I have been reading up on various LST and HST techniques and when to use them. Now I’m trying to figure out the different stages of a grow cycle. Seedling, Early Vegatation, Flowering, etc. I would like to know all the stages throughout the grow cycle so that I know better when to time the training of my plant.
… #3
- - - [2018-12.10]:
Dec 10, '18 3:45 AM
[Week 1 Notifications - Weekly Notifications - AllGrowers Forum | Hydroponics, Harvesting, Cannabis, and more]: {GerminatingYourSeed}:
[Week 2 Notification - Weekly Notifications - AllGrowers Forum | Hydroponics, Harvesting, Cannabis, and more]: {Sprout/Seedling}:
[Week 3 Notification - Weekly Notifications - AllGrowers Forum | Hydroponics, Harvesting, Cannabis, and more]: {Info/Clone/Share/PH/Nutrience}:
[Week 4 Notification - Weekly Notifications - AllGrowers Forum | Hydroponics, Harvesting, Cannabis, and more]: {Info/
[Week 5 Notification - Weekly Notifications - AllGrowers Forum | Hydroponics, Harvesting, Cannabis, and more]: {Topping/Share/PHrange}:
[Week 6 Notification - Weekly Notifications - AllGrowers Forum | Hydroponics, Harvesting, Cannabis, and more]: {Flower/Topping/Clone/
/Pruning/ AutoFlowering.vs.PhotoPeriod}:
[Week 7 Notification - Weekly Notifications - AllGrowers Forum | Hydroponics, Harvesting, Cannabis, and more]: {Pruning/Male.vs.Female/Polinating/NextGrow}:
[Week 8 notification - Weekly Notifications - AllGrowers Forum | Hydroponics, Harvesting, Cannabis, and more]: {LightPruning/Hermaphrodites/SuperCropping}:
[Week 9 Notification - Weekly Notifications - AllGrowers Forum | Hydroponics, Harvesting, Cannabis, and more]: {Wk.
[Week 10 Notification - Weekly Notifications - AllGrowers Forum | Hydroponics, Harvesting, Cannabis, and more]: {Wk.
[Week 11 Notification - Weekly Notifications - AllGrowers Forum | Hydroponics, Harvesting, Cannabis, and more]: {Ripeness/
/Roots/ :bugs:}:
[Week 12 Notification - Weekly Notifications - AllGrowers Forum | Hydroponics, Harvesting, Cannabis, and more]: {
[Week 13 Notification - Weekly Notifications - AllGrowers Forum | Hydroponics, Harvesting, Cannabis, and more]: {Harvest/Curing/Storing/PowderyMildew}:
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So it’s grermination ., early veg , veg , stretch which marks beginning of flower but for grobo it’s a different stage , then full flower, then flush , dry , cure, finished
I think veg stagecstarts after you see first five finger leaves
@chris_barfield Thanks this is exactly what I was looking for. You said veg starts after the 1st five finger leaves. Is that after a particular node appears? Grobo automatically shift to each stage depending on your recipe correct?
Hi @alucard,
Here is a sample 6 stage recipe:
Lights flip on day one of stage 4, transition. Hope this helps.
Awesome info !
I guess as far as week 2 is concerned it all sound and looks correct
My roots are sticking out side of copypod not bottom but still receiving water
Oof has a white film across half of it but it’s all moist. Only have covered in this white looking film other side still coco colored I guess we will see during week 3 what happens I’m only on day 8!
Thank you guys and gals I may lean on you for advice until I get the hang of it
If you still need, I have some info for you too
Stages of grow cycle:
Seedling Stage
Vegetative Stage
Flowering Stage
<As well