I’d try to get everything as clean as possible first before adding more hydroguard. Especially in the netpot area.
Those instructions look good.
I’d try to get everything as clean as possible first before adding more hydroguard. Especially in the netpot area.
Those instructions look good.
Bravo Sir/Madam! Succinct and thorough. Brilliant!
@vegetato @Centervillain and please tag anyone else that might be able to help.
This is week 4 since transplanting into the rdwc from clone box.
I got the root situation under control, I’m still not even sure if I really had a root issue or if it was the AN nutes staining the roots. Either way everything looks good now.
Are you running any probiotics - hydroguard, orca, anything like that?
Also how does the recirculation system work, is it constantly recirculating it or on a schedule?
The one that is doing better, where is it in relation to the others on the water and air lines? Like is it in the middle, first, or at the end?
Yes I am using hydroguard, I did what you suggested and double dosed them with it and it seemed to work, I have also not done a water change just been keeping the ph and ppm stable. Which has not been a problem because they really haven’t been moving much. I have adjusted the ph a couple times and have had to bring it up from it going down to 5.4, the ppm has remained the same. The system runs on a 400gph pump that is on all the time, if my calculations are correct it recirculates the entire system every 3 minutes. When I do tests in each buckets the reading are always within like 0.05 of each other if not closer, ei oh yesterday in all buckets was 5.65, 5.66, 5.65, 5.67, ppm follow the same tolerance. The circulation is good, you can see it moving in the buckets, you can also see the roots from the plant next to it coming through the 3" pvc with current. It is not so much that it would be effective negatively. The 0oant the is greener is on the opposite end of the reservoir, so the last one in the system before it goes back to the pump and into the reservoir. I don’t think it has to do with it’s location, I think it has to do something with it being under a different light. This is also the first run with the 2 mars hydro ts1000. So there are actually two differences in these and the ones in the 5 gallon bubblers, which would be the container and the lights. The 5 gallons bubbles get mars haydro ts600, so I didn’t thi k that would really make much difference especially since I’m not running the TS1000 is a full power.
I really appreciate you taking the time to try and help, I’m just lost. I fell like I have I pretty good understanding of most of this stuff and what is needed and what signs the plant gives when it need certain things but I’m just stumped and frustrated!!
I had a suspicion it’d be last in the line. Have you checked the EC/TDS in addition to the pH?
You can also check the air stone output across the buckets (make sure it looks about equal and that one isn’t getting most of the air).
Some of your pics just look like they need a bit more nutes/air.
Yes I have checked all that and they stay even across them all. I even stirred them up with a wooden spoon to make sure there wasn’t stuff settled in the corners or something and tested it again and everything stayed the same. The air is even across the system as well, I’m using 2 four outlet pumps. I bumped the ppm up to 800 from 550 and added more calmag. I guess we will see what happens, I will update with pics in a day or two. Thanks for the help!!
… #46
Feb 17, 7:29 AM
(#TeamHasGotYouCovered): {
(Deficiency I’m Just Trying To Help):
({“A cannabis copper deficiency tends to affect the leaves directly under the light. If your grow light is close it may help to move lights a little further away.”}):
([growweedeasy.com] Is A Great Source Of Information): {
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Brought ppm up to 1010 and calmag to 3ml per gallon. I think I finally have a handle on them. They doubled in size in about 2 days, they are turning more green and the new growth is looking good! I think I just needed to find my balance between how much light to food they where getting and I needed more calmag. Let’s hope I figured it out and they stay looking good!! What do you guys think compared to the last set of pics???
More I think about it that’s the right move. LED lights suck cal-mag out of plants for whatever reason and I imagine the PAR/PPFD of your ts1000 created more growth and in turn more cal msg was used from the res, so maybe keep in mind which ones are under which lights and keep track! That way you can map out nute mixes based on your lights.
I imagine one big one would be easier but I know how it goes when upgrading.
With that said, those MarsHydro S7000s look absolutely nuts
I actually just added 20ml to bring it up to 4ml per gallon, the recommended is 2 for small and 3-5 for big plants. Just going to up it 1ml per gallon at a time until I hit max I guess and see what they do. I’ve been waiting 2 days between doses.
Word! Keep an eye on it. Super dope set up. I really love it. I wanna build a similar Dwc
Thanks, it’s a work in progress still. I also think that’s why the one plant under the cheaper less powerful light is more green, because it hasn’t had as much calmag sucked out if it.
Girls are back on track, Woohoo!!!
In hindsight soon after transplanting I upped the nutes and it was to much, I didn’t realize it at the time but I think because the roots where having problems or just weren’t developed enough. So I brought them back down to 1/4 stregth and let them ride. Again without realizing I think the root problem went away and they developed some more so they needed more food, but I was still thinking more is going to be to much. So I think they where pretty much just starving. I’m at full nutes and full lights and they have taken off!
Moral of the story, don’t change water out every week on new clone transplants and keep a really close eye on the roots and food uptake…
Nicely done!
Girls are looking great! All in flower now. 9ne has been in flower longer than the rest.
I’m getting really exicted. This will be the most I’ve grown at one time!!
I’d let them veg longer… But that’s me
they look great! i’m sure your tent is fun. how many lights/qb’s do you have in there? looks big.
It is a 5x10 tent and I love it! Got it on walmart online for $201 free shipping. I have 2 mars ts1000 and 5 of the cheap ones like this. I definitely need more lights. These little cheap $22 I got off eBay don’t do bad at all for what they are, but they only cover a very small area in the bud phase. This is my first run in this system and I was told they could get big but I didn’t expect them to grow at the rate they did. I have the room for them to be bigger but not enough light to cover them correctly YET… Next round I hope to have more of a ceiling of light lol
Sahweeet! Friggin huge dude that’s awesome.
A few slim 600s will do you some GREAT
Or even an optic I’d love to see that