SWSVIC’s First Grow (Ever...) ILGM GDP

hahahah!! glad I can help :laughing:


The finish line is in near sight! Looking healthy!

Plans for curing?

(I picked up a WeDryer XL)


Thanks again, added 10mL Flawless Finish for the record.


Honestly still deciding brother, I have 2 HerbsNow dryers but I think I’m going to go another route. My thought is slow drying in a grow tent at 55% humidity for 10-14 days, then giving the buds 1.5-2 month cure.


Looks good :+1:t4: I am surprised you went thru 3 bottles of each. But buds looks amazing wish I could smell it thru the phone :sunglasses: enjoy


- - -

  • (You Are Doing A Fabulous Job): :green_thumb:

  • (It Was Okay To Leave The Burned Ones In For Us): (They Dry Out Faster With The Light): :innocent:

- - -

  • ((#Harvesting)): (#Congratulations): :older_woman: :herb: :green_thumb:

  • (LovedWatchingYouGrow): :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :sparkling_heart:


:older_woman: :herb: :green_thumb:


Thanks Barb appreciate your input very much!


Coming home to roost!!! Nice job :+1: yeah kept me entertained…


Crazy how many 3 and 4 you go through. Now you know why we all wanted to buy in bulk :slight_smile:
so much plastic garbage. and its garbage. China isn’t taking plastics anymore, most cities cant afford processing, so most end up in the landfill even though you recycle it. Messed up.


:fire::fire::fire: Looks amazing


Pardon me: I’d just like to ask exactly what Strain are those plants? I do not have a Grobo, I am New to this and grow in a Tent. But I need to keep my plants SMALL. I know about LST & tying them down, pinching them etc. - but I admire your work!

My current Grow is supposed to be Banana Kush Auto and Sugar Black Rose (photoperiod, as it turns out). But they’ve grown much higher than advertised. Even with Topping, Bending & pruning, they’re twice the height they’re supposed to be. They’ve gone right to the roof of my 4’ tent :frowning:

Still flowering, so I hope to get something out of this train wreck lol.

(picture is from a bit more than a week ago. My next Grow will be SHORT ones)


Hey @ArrEll

I am (allegedly) growing Grandaddy Purple from ILGM. I say “allegedly” because I do not trust that their genetics are true. That said the product appears top notch and I’m excited to indulge nonetheless. When it comes to sizing these plants early on it really is a “crapshoot” your first go around. You can somewhat control height and width with methods such as topping, ScrOG, and Super Cropping, but my main piece of advice would be to flip to flower earlier on the next time you grow these strains. Also, if you haven’t already check out www.growweedeasy.com it is a wealth of knowledge that has helped me immensely during this first grow of mine. Your plant looks great aside from the overgrowth. Best of luck with your future grows!


A-TY, A-TY. Yes they’re way past their stated Time and much taller than advertised too, but I’ve bought a taller tent (by about 18") plus some strains which grow even shorter, so next time I should have those problems sorted out.

I am expecting some Purple Kush Auto seeds in my mailbox tomorrow…That will be Project Number Two. Will post pics as it develops (and of course - ask for Input)…

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After 155 days of growth, I finally pulled her down yesterday! I believe that I hit the nail on the head when it comes to trichome ripeness (shout out: @Todd.grobo @vegetato @Bplatinum9 @chris_barfield @SilverGrobo ). The take-down/trimming experience was honestly very zen, I had a great time with it. Not nearly as daunting a task as I had made it out to be in my mind prior. The smell is absolutely insane and the buds already have wild bag appeal, I cannot wait to see what they look like and experience their magic once cured! I opted to dry in a tent which is holding steady at 50% humidity. I’m going for a slow dry which should last 7-10 days if done properly. The buds will then be placed into my curing jars for 1-2 months until they reach peak potency, at which point, you know what time it is :sunglasses:. I will continue to update this thread through the drying, curing, and medicating process.

The Grobo did a fine job this first grow, I will continue using it as I do see major advantages especially now that I am back to working in my office, traveling, and enjoying time with friends and family. I’d like to give another major shout out to the friends who guided me along the way and to those who kept up with my grow and learned along side me. Thank you to @chris_barfield @vegetato @Todd.grobo @SilverGrobo @Bplatinum9 @buzzy6 @Letsgrowmore @Jamminbear @Hellyesshedid @drewcmpbll and to all the others who’s names I haven’t mentioned. I truly appreciate you all.

I have an LED light repair and some other modifications to make on my unit and to where it resides before my next grow. I will be introducing the mods as well as a new supplement/additive regime in my next grow thread.

When it comes to “what to grow next” I am having a very hard time deciding… I went on a seed buying rampage during these last 155 days and have given myself too many :fire: options! I am going to consult with a couple trusted advisors and get back to you on this one.

Until then,

Grow well,

Now, brace yourselves for way too many pics:

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Sweet haul bro. Looks like its going to be a good smoke


Much appreciated buddy! :facepunch:


Beautiful! I love watching this grow from seed to harvest great job @SWSVIC!


Nice Job and Haul!!! :+1: Enjoyed watching this grow it was a great ride. :grin:


What an amazing journey! You worked really hard for this @SWSVIC! The bud looks fire!


Good shit dude! It’s crazy, I’ve been watching your grow for like two months now I think…Congrats!!!