It says to use distilled water or reverse osmosis, is one better than the other?
Both are great, distilled is the best it is practically at 0 PPM and has a PH of 7 RO is a little more difficult to explain it has some slight but very slight minerals in it still.
I prefer distilled, the purest water you can get and use but that is just my preference!
Also only $0.89 per gallon for me as well have to consider your price I would say it cost me 40-50 bucks a grow, just based off my first grow, 50 gallons worth roughly more or less!!
… #4
- - - [2021-11.16]:
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[‘Distilled in:title’]: {
[‘RO water @Stephen’]: {
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The distilled gallon at my store has ph of 6. Lucky I guess. I’ve been monitoring my ph because it says in flower it should be around 5.8 ph. So far so good.
I was checking out the primo water at my store. It’s 13$ for five gallons. 7$ a refill.
Different plants prefer different PH some strains like it a little more acidic than others, the recipes are different for each plant PH wise as far as I have been told!
I’m just going to add to this RO water should be 0 ppm and have no minerals in it… If it does it’s time to replace your membrane filter or buy a proper Ro system.
The major difference between Ro and distilled is the process it made…
Distilled is boiled
Ro passes threw many filter’s
End of the day both source of water are great for the plants… One isn’t better than the other
As far as Ph the range for hydro is between 5.5 and 6.5
Nutrients are best absorbed at different pH levels that is why drifting isn’t a bad thing just stay in the range…
As long as your Ph probe in the grobo is working correctly (They don’t last forever) you shouldn’t need to worry about Ph it does a good job handling this job for you
Thank you for the info. I feel more relaxed in knowing this. I appreciate the time you spend helping us. I’ve been bookmarking things like this so I have a reference.
I will add the easiest why to confirm the Grobo Ph probe is still working correctly is get yourself a nice Ph meter… Drip it in the Grobo tank. Leave it in there for a few min’s to let the reading stabilize… From my testing in the past your reading should be around 5.7 to 6.2. If your reading something out of that range I would calibrate your handheld Ph probe and test the water again… If the numbers are still not in range then I would do a health check on your Grobo Ph probe… Depends on these results is what I would do next (calibrate or replace if needed)
Please don’t take my replies the wrong way I’m in no way wanting to say who is right or wrong. I’m just sharing knowledge from my research / experience I have learned over time
Oh no, I didn’t take it that way at all, I just personally do not want to give out invalid information that is all, I never get angry I just do not want to inform fellow growers of miss information!
I am using plain tap water and mine is coming along fine as long as I stop overdosing it.
I am going to use tap water from now on too as so many I been reading say it is OK and no problems at all using it. Don’t do what I do, I am OK about it.
Old saying about growing. No matter what you say your doing or using, someone, is going to say differently, then someone will say differently than that and so on.
Oh for sure it is a big debate really you just pick what information you take from the topic!! lol
I try to take it all in!
Yes you can use Tap water also the only neg to this is that water will contains chlorine or chloramine which plants don’t like but will not kill them also… Bonus to tap water is it will contain minerals that plants like
When using Ro or distilled your water starts off fresh and Grobo know how to adjust dosing based on your starting PPM… When using Tap water Grobo doesn’t know what that starting PPM is made of so it just doses less to off set your PPM
Agree great idea