awesome! white widow is my next choice as well, suppose to be a very hardy strain to grow.
good luck with the grow!
Also @Bloodydrake I think I saw you post somewhere about hydroguard in Canada. I ordered some off amazon and it’s coming from the US but I think I just had to pay extra shipping for duty. I haven’t received it yet but amazon says it’s arrived in Canada. Fingers crossed
Not sure of the price difference but I got mine from Holland industry (they have a website), in Mississauga, also not sure if you’re in Ontario but yeah lol. There are some places that have it but I found it was hard to find none the less.
I am in Ontario as well. I think I paid $80 for a litre which I thought was expensive but will last until it expires pretty much. I checked a couple stores down my way (Chatham) but all I could find was hygrozyme. I hadn’t heard of anyone using that on here so I decided to order the hydrogaurd. It actually arrived today so it will be added next water change as well as recharge.
((#PHprobe)): ((#PHsensor)):
Germination day 7/10
I will be doing first water change tomorrow. I have hydroguard and recharge to add but I’m not sure if I add it to the water before filling or after? I see recharge is granular so it will need to be dissolved.
Maybe @Osage can help me with this, I know you recommend adding the recharge for root development. Thanks for any pointers!
Add it to the water before fill. Then stir quite a bit. This stuff will make your roots look dark kind of like root rot, but it’s just staining them. Doesn’t hurt at all, it will have a marvelous effect on your root zone. That said, if you monitor your res water temp with a little aquarium temp gauge, you will have a better idea of when root rot starts to develop. ~72 degrees give or take. Pithium can’t grow or establish itself in ~64 degree water.
Thanks for the info Jerry much appreciated!
Water change day. Seems to be coming along nicely. My intake fan didn’t come on on day 10 and now it’s too late to put in a ticket. I have a fan behind the unit to help get some air flow in there. I tried unplugging for 30 seconds and re connecting to wifi to try and get the fan motor going, no luck. I intend on getting a small fan for inside, any suggestions or feedback?
I’m hoping mine goes on , at day 10
You can still put a ticket in and someone can trouble shoot your fan issue with you. It may just be a loose wire or a glitch in the system.
When you put your hand on the fan is it faint or dead? Sometimes they are hard to tell if their on. I always keep two fans inside, one up top for late veg and one on the bottom I start in early veg.
I put in a ticket just not sure if they’ll get to it til the new year. Both fans came on during setup so I’m sure it’s a program issue. I can see it’s not turning. Is your fan battery and how long does it last?
Your fans came on during setup? I don’t think they should have. I actually have my fans plugged in and you can get a power pack if you don’t want to trail your cord outside the door.
Maybe it wasn’t setup mode but when you plug it in and the lights change colours the fans turn on then off. I want to get one that plugs in so I don’t have to charge it
I was thinking the same thing because I already spend a fortune on rechargeable batteries that don’t seem to Iast as long as they should. I bought mine at Walmart for $4 when the season was changing but I’m sure amazon or eBay has small fans in the winter.
Hey @Flyers28 my first grow I thought the same thing. The fan doesn’t engage until the end of day 10. Hope this helps!
Thanks @Dew I’m actually on day 15 now but I was away for a few days and missed being here for the switch to day 11
I want to get an axial type motor (like the ones in the back of grobo) to add that are 120 volts so it will plug in. Maybe one on each side at the base of the plant once I reach late veg.