Sad plant

Wondering if anybody can help me out here !
Some complications happened early on from WiFi issues but the plant started coming back to life a bit … noooow we’re here . How can I get my plant all the way back healthy? What would you suggest ?


Is the bubbler working in the reservoir

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Yup ! The bubbler is going , WiFi is working well . Not sure if my nutrients dispensed on the last refill though honestly .

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doesnt look like a nutrient deficiency, looks droopy, which is typically from lack of bubbles in the water. as the new growth is green, she should be ok for now. keep posting photos and well keep an eye on her. Looks ok for now.


look at the bottom of the stem is it starting to go rotten? If so could be damp off


Why are your caps off of your nutrient bottles?
Please replace them and feed some of the line back into the tank so when you get low on nutrients the lines hit the bottom of the bottles instead of sticking upward and catching air.


Ok sounds good! Thank you

I’ve just looked into this and it might be a possibility ! I’m just discovering what that even is :joy:

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Did you calibrate your sensors?

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Here is a example what damp off looks.

See how the plant looks sad

Now this is the bottom of the stem close to the end of the plants life


Oh wow , just this looks exactly like it. Is there a solution for this or is it too late ?


If its dampening off ks atart over. Plant is small and recovery time by starting a new plant is better then it dying in a week or two

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I agree with Todd I would start over. If you have damp off

My thought is if you start off with a weak plant you end with a weak plant



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