This is from ocean grown correct?
2019-10.03: Day 60 (Flower 1/49):
2019-10.07: Day 64 (Flower 5/49):
2019-10.08: Day 65 (Flower 6/49):
2019-10.10: Day 67 (Flower 8/49):
2019-10.12: Day 69 (Flower 10/49):
2019-10.13: Day 70 (Flower 11/49):
2019-10.14: Day 71 (Flower 12/49):
2019-10.16: Day 73 (Flower 14/49):
2019-10.19: Day 76 (Flower 17/49):
2019-10.21: Day 78 (Flower 19/49):
((#SideByEach)): ((#DoorSealOn)):
2019-10.22: Day 79 (Flower 20/49):
2019-10.25: Day 82 (Flower 23/49):
2019-10.26: Day 83 (Flower 24/49):
2019-10.29: Day 86 (Flower 27/49):
2019-10.31: Day 88 (Flower 29/49):
((#Flower)): ((#Trichnomes)):
2019-10.22: Day 79 (Flower 20/49):
2019-10.31: Day 88 (Flower 29/49):
2019-11.07: Day 95 (Flower 36/49):
2019-11.14: Day 102 (Flower 43/49):
Man I really want to try ocean grown. Some of the strains they have on there look awesome
Any updates of the beast in training you can share with us? Excited to see the bud structure!
Completely agreed but this one caught my eye months before I went to the expo where I got it from there booth
Ah man that’s awesome. They’re not fem seeds tho right? Or am I wrong about that?
2019-11.02: Day 90 (Flower 31/49):
2019-11.04: Day 92 (Flower 33/49):
You can change things on your Post for up to One Month:
Saving This Comment Thank-You so much for it @Russel_Richardson:
(Please Do Not Delete This)(Thank-You)
2019-11.07: Day 95 (Flower 36/49):
2019-11.09: Day 97 (Flower 38/49):
2019-11.12: Day 100 (Flower 41/49):
2019-11.13: Day 101 (Flower 42/49):
2019-11.14: Day 102 (Flower 43/49):
2019-11.16: Day 104 (Flower 45/49):
2019-11.17: Day 105 (Flower 46/49):
2019-11.19: Day 107 (Flower 48/49):
2019-11.05: Day 93 (Flower 34/49):
2019-11.07: Day 95 (Flower 36/49):
The one on the right went into ((#TheTwilightZone)):
2019-11.09: Day 97 (Flower 38/49):
2019-11.12: Day 100 (Flower 41/49):
2019-11.23: Day 111 (Flush 3/10):
2019-11.27: Day 115 (Flush 7/10):
To two of my favorite seasoned growers I pose these questions: is the blueberry plant using CO2?
Are the plants small for a reason?
What are the white round objects on the bottom of
the units?
Are the round wires for support?
I ask these questions because you two always have exciting new techniques that I have never seen before, so interesting!
I hadn’t even noticed until you asked those questions. I’d like to know what’s going on in the unit on the right with the wires etc. as well lol
You guys are awesome!!! Thanks for the summary you make the simple things interesting and cool! I guess if I only reached 5"2 I should know that your plants will still pack a punch! If it does get burned by the
light you can expect me to ask more
questions! Wink
wink! Lol!
2019-11.21: Day 109 (Flush 1/10):
((# ClickForMore )):
2019-11.25: Day 113 (Flush 5/10):
2019-11.27: Day 115 (Flush 7/10):
2019-11.30: Day 118 (Flush 10/10):
((# SideByEach )):
((# Flower )): ((# Trichnomes )):
((# Trichomes )):
2019-11.26: Day 99 (Flower 19/41):
((# ClickForMore )):
2019-12.02: Day 120 (Flush 12/10):
Those are some sweet pics
(2020-01.16): Day 03 (Germination 3/10):
(2020-01.18): Day 05 (Germination 5/10):
(2020-01.19): Day 06 (Germination 6/10):
(EarlyVegetation): (ClickHere):
(2020-01.27): Day 14 (EarlyVeg. 4/14):
(2020-02.02): Day 20 (EarlyVeg. 10/14):
(NotCleaningTheSensorEveryWeek): ((#YourLeavesAreTalking)): =
(2020-02.05): Day 23 (EarlyVeg. 13/14):
(2020-02.06): Day 24 (EarlyVeg. 14/14):
(LateVegetation): (ClickHere):
(2020-02.08): Day 26 (LateVeg. 2/14):
(2020-02.12): Day 30 (LateVeg. 6/14): (TriedCloning): (RIP):
(2020-02.16): Day 34 (LateVeg. 10/14):
(Transitioning): (ClickHere):
(2020-02.21): Day 39 (Transition 1/14):
(2020-02.27): Day 45 (Transition 7/14):
(2020-02.28): Day 46 (Transition 8/14): (#Bells&Whisles):
(2020-03.05): Day 52 (Transition 14/14):
(Flowering): (ClickHere):
(2020-03.10): Day 57 (Flower 5/49):
(2020-03.12): Day 59 (Flower 7/49):
(2020-03.14): Day 61 (Flower 9/49):
(2020-03.15): Day 62 (Flower 10/49):
(2020-03.17): Day 64 (Flower 12/49):
(2020-03.19): Day 66 (Flower 14/49):
(2020-03.21): Day 68 (Flower 16/49):
(2020-03.22): Day 69 (Flower 17/49):
(2020-03.23): Day 70 (Flower 18/49):
(2020-03.24): Day 71 (Flower 19/49):
(#SideByEach): (
(SideByEach): (ClickHere):
(2019-12.24): Day 02 (Germination 2/10): (RIP):
(2020-01.18): Day 05 (Germination 5/10):
(2020-03.19): Day 66 (Flower 14/49):
(Flowering): (Continued): (ClickHere):
**(2020-03.29): Day 76 (Flower 24/49):**ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ
**(2020-04.01): Day 79 (Flower 27/49):**ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ
**(2020-04.03): Day 81 (Flower 29/49):**ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ
**(2020-04.08): Day 86 (Flower 34/49):**ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ
**(2020-04.09): Day 87 (Flower 35/49):**ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ
**(2020-04.17): Day 95 (Flower 43/49):**ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ
**(2020-04.22): Day 100 (Flower 48/49):**ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ
(Flushing): (ClickHere):
**(2020-04.28): Day 106 (Flush 5/10):**ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ
**(2020-05.03): Day 111 (Flush 10/10):**ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ
(#SideByEach): (
(SideByEach): (ClickHere):
**(2020-04.17): Day 95 (Flower 43/49):**ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ
**(2020-04.22): Day 100 (Flower 48/49):**ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ
**(2020-04.28): Day 106 (Flush 5/10):**ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ
**(2020-05.05): Day 113 (Drying 2/10):**ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ
(EarlyShowing): (2020-05.06):
(Remember this one):? (#CloneClone): (‘never clone one from my plant though’):
((#Trichnomes)): ((#Trichomes)):
(Trichomes): (ClickHere):
**(2020-04.22): Day 100 (Flower 48/49):**ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ