Continuing the discussion from Algae build up:
So it was brought up because @Anthony_Valenti is having algae problems. Sometimes I notice some pink algae on the sides of res, on the metal drain filter, and on the nute tubes myself. My res temps are @ 71-73 F taken with an instant read meat thermometer. If I peek and notice algae after a drain, I rinse or wipe what I can but it usually ends up in the bottom water anyway to be dispersed again with the fill. I don’t know if this is good bacteria for the plant or bad.
Roots don’t like light! Don’t overexpose your roots to light!! Check for light leaks in your res!!
Do you have a picture of your roots? Can you show us what your roots look like? How do your roots feel?.. Now that YOU’ve checked them, let’s expose them to the light again and take specific pictures requested by AG and Grobo.
All these warnings. All these requests. And no one has ever said- this is how often you can safely open your res. So how often should I?
Personally, I peep in, opening it about an inch to see how my roots are doing and how my water’s bubbling about 2-3x a week. My roots are looking very well btw!! I’d go take a pic for y’all but uh uh uh!!!
I’ve been getting a yellow leaf here and there on the backside of my plant. The first one I noticed was dead and fell right off when I touched it. Days later another appeared. Snip. So far there have been 4. They appear in about the same spot. I take them off. The next one to appear, I will take a picture. I checked on my roots for bad signs with the yellow leaves, no bad root signs. But more exposure to be tsked.
Also, I have been looking closer during drain/fills because of my stem still not being completely healed, and I’ve started cleaning my probes with each drain/fill. That’s more exposure. But again, they still are looking okay. I’m not sure when my last root pic was. I’m sure they mustn’t like the flash if they don’t like light, right?
So again, I ask, how often should we be checking on our roots? On our res?