Everything Flora Flex

Thanks I will check them out

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So would you use silica blast or armor si?
I like the outcome of the flora flex nutes.
I’m hoping I will still like the outcome if I add slf-100 and silica to the mix.
Don’t want to keep adding and get the same or less redults because @Mpower11, added lots of things to his but his buds arent as big as mine even with all my ph issues.


@Bplatinum9 Now that is true… This grow in the same tent with the same lights buds are a lot smaller not sure why at this point… At what week do they stop growing in size?

Last grow

  1. Was in soil
  2. Used General Hydro (complete line / all the extra’s)
  3. Had some Ph problems over the grow
  4. last grow only had 2 plants

This grow

  1. In coco (I like so much better)
  2. Using the combo listed above
  3. I had 0 Ph problems this grow plants looked great I think… Only problem I had was I let my EC climb a bit to high and I got a small amount of Nute burn (see pictures above)
  4. Have 5 plants

I think I didn’t deleaf aggressive enough in the beginning (Not sure). But honestly I have been asking myself the same question I feel my buds should be bigger in size than they are… Mind you still looks good but I was hoping for bigger buds… Maybe they will still size up


You shouldn’t really be comparing bud sizes as each one of your environments are different lights are different feeding schedules different genetics different even if same strain one o types are different his bud size to yours is not really a good judgement of what you should and should t do … unless you guys are running the same clone under the same conditions the results will never be the same … silica improves nutrient transport and also forces the plant to activate its sars ability which increases cell walls and many more things… I don’t even run bloom boosters anymore because of silica …


Slf is not a nutrient it’s an enzymes which actually break down dead roots and salts that aren’t being used so you don’t burn your plant it’s also used to supply more beneficials to the plant medium as well as clear your lines out too so you can’t really lose by adding enzymes if you will


With all the extra help (additives) I thought it should be a bit more substantial bud growth.
You still have lots of time but I’m not sure when they actually stop growing.
Your right at the point w when they should start to get fatter.

Table of Contents

Marijuana Flowering Stage Timeline

Week 1-3 – Transition to Flowering

Week 3-4 – Budlets Form

Week 4-6 – Buds Start Fattening Up

Week 6-8 – Buds Ripen, Pistils Darken – some strains spend longer in this stage

Week 8+ – Flowering Ends, Final Flush, Harvest


So next grow I will be adding silica & slf-100 to my grows.


I’d recommend it … improved everything bloom boosters can lock out cal and do more damage if you don’t know why your doing


Chris, would you recommend a small amount of SLF-100 for us Grobo growers?


Not really microbe life doesn’t really do well in deep water culture in my experience …


This stuff Chris?


Yes that was the second option Chris recommended


Exactly yea that’s a good one


Thanks @chris_barfield! :facepunch:t3:

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What have you decided to use to flush with?

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I was planning on using Slf-100 if I can find it

If not then I was going to use enzymes komplete

I just found mine at amazon.


Weigh in on how you tent flush everyone so I can make my decision before flower stage is over! :pray: Thanks in advance!!! :rainbow:


The shipping is killer for canada

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If my memory is correct at this point you can’t drain

Without being able to drain I’m not quite sure what your plan is and how you were going to flush your plants it’s going to take quite a bit of water to run through the pots to pull all the nutes out

That is mad disrespectful! Shipping to Canada is killer!
Would it be the same if I shipped it to you?

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