Everything Flora Flex

I hadn’t thought about it really!
Thanks for reminding me!
I will have to figure something out soon!
If I have to I’ll take the fitting and hose off and put a bucket under the flood table until I can find a solution.

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Wonder Which of these would be best for flushing?





I have used FloraKleen in my soil grows with good results

I have never tried it but I read good reviews on “perfect flush”


I use clearex… I mean these flushing agents are necessarily needed… I still flush my plants for two weeks in coco… but that’s just me… and your going to need a way to drain the water out or else it will just absorb back into the coco… slf-100 should be used once a week throughout grow… you can use it for final flush but it will continue to breakdown salts and feed them to the plant which is not what you want when flushing… I would use slf-100 on the initial flush when you get ppms down to zero and then just use water or flushing agent and water but don’t continuously use the slf


I use clearex… I mean these flushing agents are necessarily needed… I still flush my plants for two weeks in coco… but that’s just me… and your going to need a way to drain the water out or else it will just absorb back into the coco… slf-100 should be used once a week throughout grow… you can use it for final flush

These flushing agents are really just citric acid


Think I’m going to grab the clearex to flush with and use the slf-100 every feed on my next grow.
Going to put a bucket under my flood tray when I go into flush, after I take the hose and fixture off the tray.
I will find another way to release water before next grow.
Thanks Chris!


Butting in with a Grobo question :joy:. I have Recharge built up in my reservoir and would like it gone. I’m wondering if SLF-100 would help breakdown what is left and deliver it to the plant and/or aid in getting rid of the build up in any other way? (I already have a bottle of SLF) Appreciate y’all. :call_me_hand:


If you want the recharge out of your system best thing to do is drain the res and clean (wipe out) then refill…

SLF-100 I wouldn’t use in Grobo it’s made for Soil / Coco not Hydroponic


Appreciate the heads up. Unless there is another option to assist in clearing it out it looks like I will be living with it. Plant has grown beyond the point of going in and cleaning reservoir. Thanks M :facepunch:.

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I understand what you mean. Leaving Recharge in the res besides it being dirty will not hurt your grow

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Just a heads up on a observation on my end.

I was watching my plants water today and I noticed 1 driper was feeding very slow compared to the other 4 plants. Cleaned out the bubblier and drip line… All good now again


Told ya about the recharge … your better off using that liquid azos by xtreme gardening


Received a package in the mail today with some goodies in it


Niceeee I have an order with that coming in it too I used the original formula before … they should be sending the full tilt as well… taking forever to send my stuff though ugh


They said they are shipping me out my Full Tilt tomorrow :+1:

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What about orca instead of recharge?


You recommend Liquid Azos with Mammoth P or is it one or the other?


Orca is mychorizzae recharge is bacteria …


Forgot you got mammoth p I’d use the mammoth and see how you like it before trying a different brand


@Mpower11, is the foliar and full tilt on the market because the flora flex website doesn’t show them unless I’m missing something.

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