Everything Flora Flex

Looking great!! As Chris said Ph looks like it’s slightly off besides that buds are sizing up great!! Cheers!!!

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If anybody recalls here is the dwarf plant that I brought outside the main purpose for showing this picture is I believe this is how I’m going to start / prune my plants on the next run take note to the wire ties holding down the top lid in the holes drilled in to create the bend.

Actually I drilled the holes In the top cap and my Lovely wife did the rest!!


Smells like blueberry’s blossoming with a tinge of skunk!
I don’t even smoke and I love the way it smells!


i want a shirt that says that lol


I think this is the best method, I’m just not that good at it yet!

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I think it’ll be a great slogan and conversation piece if you don’t get slapped! Lol!


Nice I did the same with my
Pots … only that sucked was when the plant shot strong it lifted the caps but I still do it to get that early training in

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Sounds delicious! :+1:t3:


I thought about the same thing what I did was put a wire tie around it one on each side. I think it’s going to solve that problem!

What’s up guys? More of a general knowledge question here.
I was finally able to spring on a dehu to help control the climate better, over the winter it wasn’t necessary quite yet. But now that I am beginning to piece together the next phase of my grow, I am curious how having a water reservoir in the room or tent will affect the overall climate. I am planning on raising a flood tray up about 16 inches on a homemade pvc stand and then under the tray would be the water res and drain bucket. Will my dehu just be sucking the moisture out of the res or as long as it’s lidded Not much to worry about?

Any information is appreciated.


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I thought about doing the same thing with the water Res. At the end of the day I decided to keep the water res outside of the tent for 1 big reason. For me if I left my water res in my tent my water temp would be to high. Now if you want you could buy a water-chiller to solve that problem but there are not cheap.

Dehu I think the answer to that depends on the environment the tent is around… With my AC running in my house I have no issue with Hu right now

I opted to put my reservoir outside the tent also worried about the bacteria of high water temperatures.
I also put my dehumidifier outside the tent right under the venting system of the tent to keep moisture at bay therefore making a better environment for the inside.
I also run a cool air humidifier inside the tent in veg stages.
Haven’t had any problems with humidity since implementing these techniques.


So today I changed the bubbler from red 10 GPH to blue 20 GPH of nutrient water for more of a leach, so I can see if it helps ph, and to see If my plans are a bit more thirsty since they have budded.
Refilled the reservoir with five gallons of nutrient water and added an extra half teas of UP.
I’ll check back in the morning to see if there is any damage.


So keeping the res in the tent will conserve space … depending on the temps of the tent that will effect the res our… if you run the res without a cover it will evaporate a bit into the tent and then to your dehumidifier … if you run in the tent you nost likely need a chiller or measures to keep the water cool… if you run zerotol or hydrogaurd you can get away with temps at 80 but that’s pushing it


Ok so the bubbler change was a bust because it used half the nutrient water I just added.
I changed back to the red/10 GPH this morning!


Loving the buds


Good job @Bplatinum9! You’re such a pro! :wink:


Here’s an update of some pictures I took last night I haven’t posted anything for a while so I figured I’d give a little progress update


That’s cool how everything is uniform! Really nice setup! :facepunch:t3:


Stellar job!!!
So perfect!!!

I’m used to using big bud in my Grobo to thicken the buds so I’m looking for something that would mix well with the tent/flora flex grows.
Any ideas?

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