Lmao I was gonna day nice lookin coco pod, till I saw the second pic
Ha right? Thought it was cool to show how it shot up in 1 day with 4 leaves!
It has a tall center:
Your little one is not fine; Is your Bubbler working?: The bottom of your coco-pod should not be dry: Your plant will parish:
Yes this plant may reach 6’ tall. Or, want to…
I’ll bet where the coco pod meets the stem it’s starting to lose it’s green color and turning black? If so start of damping off. Get the extra water out of the pod, and cut a straw length wise and support that lanky growth
My first grow was GC Durban Poison. She gets tall and big. You will want to flip her early.
It’s possible, doesn’t seem too bad at the base of the stem but maybe a hint. Coco pod is completely dry, from top to bottom though!
The tap root looks fck’d. It’s long and the later portion is white, but the tap root at the point where it’s coming out of the Coco pod for about 2 inches appears to be dead.
You pointed me to this strain on another one of my posts! (Thank you!)
School me on flipping… New term for me!
She’s fine
Flipping is switching to the 12/12 schedule. She is a crazy tall plant. You need to keep her away from the lights. Supercropping will be needed.
Germination (Day 22 / 29)
Today during my drain and fill I decided to go back a full week back to germination. There are no other roots besides the tap root and as you can see, the tap root is dying off.
I also manually raised the water level to the highest level to try and get more water to the pod for other roots to grow. I just couldn’t do nothing, I had to try to do something. Not sure if this was the right thing to try.
Also not noted above, I am using hydroguard.
Sorry about this! I would sanitize my unit and start over:
Are you using the coco pods that are from grobo and leaving the water level to adjust itself because it changes at different times for good reason.
Germinate outside the grobo then add seed to pod.
Don’t expose the roots to light.
Don’t use hydroguard until your plant is well established or showing signs of root rot. ( I started in late veg ).
And post often to get help as you go.
Yes - coco pods from Grobo
Yes - everything ran according to recipe up until my latest post on 10/18 when I started scrapping for last minute ideas to save her.
I tried that with my last grow- I also had to terminate her The tap root ended up stuck/edging out of the top and didn’t come out of the bottom of the coco pod.
Think this is what killed the tap root off? I started using hydroguard as soon as the tap root came out.
Bubbler! HAHA! Yes, first thing I checked. I’ve got bubbles!
I opened a ticket on Sat Oct 12th as soon as I saw issue! I haven’t heard back on the ticket though