It grew out of no where it was fine yesterday y’all. I’m about to cry
will this repair itself? I’m not sure how to super crop I’m brand new to this. I watched videos but I’m not comfortable I pushed the pod down and it helped a bit. How much more stretching I have?
Take that middle class stem and squeeze it and put it at a 90 degree angle without breaking it . It’s called supper cropping . We all use the same technique when it comes to growing to tall ! Cheers !
No need to worry she will be fine the dead leafs will fall off just make sure she doesnt get anymore than 3 to 4 inches from the light !
Wish me luck Thank you
You’re going to be doing that a lot I feel if your just about to start day 1 flower. If you’re uneasy about bending it just make sure that you’ve really softened the area. Try and do a bend and then you’ll need to use something to hold it at that 90 degree while she heals or you’ll be right back where you started. Once the hurt area forms a “knuckle” and the plant is turning upwards you’re probably good to let the tie go. If you need to do a couple branched then go in a clockwise/counter clockwise direction, you just don’t want to overlap branches is all. I understand the hesitation, I had to supercrop my last grow 2-3 times but she will bounce back . Also now is a good time to check your probe to see if it needs to be cleaned off, if it does I’d recommend doing a health check as well to make sure it’s reading properly
I’m on it Thanks for that info