That’s happened quite a bit. Luckily that’s all it was
@Bloodydrake one thing I noticed others doing (and started to do myself) is marking the bottle at the current fluid level.
After you do a drain/fill it will feed from the bottles shortly thereafter, I think within an hour or so. That’s the time to watch for it to take from the last 3 bottles specifically (it does so in succession, not all at once).
ok thanks for the tip
I’m trying my hand at 8 colas for the Grobo on my Blueberry:
I left the 3rd node on each side = Four: When the side shoots get to where I want them, I’m going to top each one again: I’m Extending the (LateVeg.) until they look good to me to start Transition:
((#CheckItOut)): ((#ClickForMore)):
I also turn my bottles 90 degrees either direction to get better view of nutrients
Hey @Bloodydrake,
Your nutes are only dispensed after a successful drain/fill, and bottle #5 only if the unit senses you are using RO or distilled water. You can shoot me an email to and I can dig a little further, but I agree that looks like a lack of calcium/magnesium to me. If you think your line was kinked but fixed now, drain/fill and see if your bottle goes down at all this time.
I absolutely love the idea of turning your bottles sideways. I can see the levels so much clearer this way. I don’t mark them, but what a cool idea.
I love this community!
I was thinking maybe if you put a clear line down a portion of the sticker we could keep the bottles facing forward to show those fancy labels and still view levels easily. Just a thought
or making the white background clear could also work
great idea I’ll do that too
ok i’m gonna turn bottles, do a drain and fill and send in a service request so you can take a look and see I have been using RO water exclusively so sounds like it should have added some
thanks everyone for the help
Last day of Early Veg
I marked the bottles turned them did a full drain and fill and submitted ticket…now to wait and see I’ll check in a couple hours and see if bottle level moved.
Root system seems to be coming along nice
update! after drain and fill the 5th bottle lowered and it seems to be working Stephen confirmed the amount was what he was expecting if the kink was the issue.
So we’re back on track and ready for late veg
One thing I forgot to mention – when cleaning your grobo (between grows, or if something spills) be mindful of those marks on the bottle.
I wasn’t, and wiped a bunch of the marks off when I last cleaned the units. Have pictures but that was an oops moment.
early morning things are looking OK, older leafs black and brown spots are becoming more prominent but I can 't see any forming on upper leafs yet. I’m trying to determine how many nodes…I think the 4th? is currently developing, the bottom one where early leafs formed seems to have more then 2 branches but all were very small , perhaps one more node before topping, at this point the main stem seems small and with the cal/mag deficiency I’m thinking I should defer to next node before considering topping.
U could top now if you want. Plant looks healthy enough to top, just give her time to recover
Ok thx !
so I topped tonight things seem to be going well. I’m hoping to top 2 more times later if this goes well.
Did u cut only those two leaves and the very top? Almost looks like ull have a main stem still, excited to see her recover
ya i was wondering if i should snip little closer to the V bottom. but it trimmed off the top of the main stem and leafs. Hopefully its enough. I added 7days to late veg as well.
Ull probably be adding couple more weeks yea ur top is fine should do well