AK-47 (Hybrid/Feminized) Day 106 | First Grow

@pyromancy I’ll check it out.Thanks.

No prob… honestly, it’s hard to say if it’s the pic or not but I would definitely investigate and get another shot of those areas.

The fact you said some areas seem like a cotton ball got stuck makes me think that might be a problem.

I work in the medical MJ industry, and I’ve seen and found mold before, typically, a white fuzzy substance under a microscope. I will say it does possibly look like a small patch of mold, but pictures can be deceiving.

Can turn into:



@pyromancy Oh we are deff not in that area. I’ve see this stuff on my house plants before. Everything inside Grobo looks good. I think I might have set some alarm bells off with the ‘cotton’ thing. It was a few sports (size of a grain of salt under the scope) and they all were little mushrooms that were milky white or clear.


Alright, good :smiley:

It will start small, and grow, so just keep an eye on it… Like I said, the pics might be deceiving but it looks kinda fuzzy there


@pyromancy @Todd.grobo Hard to take pics without cutting and the vibration from the water pump is making the scope shape when you are really zoomed in. Assuming that there is no mold, and I just checked many bud sites a few minutes ago and they look good, should I keep with another 7 days of flush. I am in 112 days 10/17 flush. 3 days past default recipe schedule.

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Right on!

I’d say extend and ride it out atleast 3-4 more days if you can. I’m not seeing any amber trichomes myself, but lots of cloudy and clear… What kind of effect are you going for?

If the plant doesn’t look dead I think you’re fine :smiley: It will continue to eat the nutrients it has saved up and drink fresh water when needed

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@pyromancy I get migraines, back pain and insomnia so anything that will put my butt down for the evening so I can feel fresh in the morning :slight_smile: Best strain I found so far to get there is King Luis. Very nutty and will make you fall asleep in a second.


Definitely going to want a lot of amber trichomes then :wink:


Agreed… let it ride out for as long as you can… get a good mix of Amber trichomes.


Yes thats mold.


@Todd.grobo @pyromancy Fellas…you were right. Just did my water change and under white light one of the fat nugs did have slight mold on it. I took it off. The rest look good after about 10 minutes of examining them.

Tried looking at the mold under the scope but it’s so mild that it can’t really pick it up. Hard to tell on the phone pic too but it’s there when you look at it with your own eyes.

What do I do from here? Like I said the rest look good and I got 3-5 days to go. Also, what about the nug I took off? That thing is big. Do I toss it or hang it up?


Doesn’t mean your whole crop is infected, don’t worry. Keep a very vigilant eye out for any future mold that might occur, possibly add another fan in the Grobo if you can or have one for more airflow, and also try your best to keep your RH down at the 30-45 range. Lower the better.

Get rid of that nug…Most of the time the mold starts on the inside and works its way out, so the insides are probably infested too. Not good to ingest that and you’d be wasting time on drying it out which if done improperly is just going to spread the mold as far as i know.

Wash your hands too :smiley:

You may want to consider harvesting slightly earlier too if you think it’s going to become a further issue of keeping RH low for the remaining week or two. I know you want an Indica feel so you’ll be definitely looking for some amber but keep a good eye out.


@pyromancy crap…I might just harvest tomorrow. I think the humidity changed because it’s colder outside and ironically the room where my Grobo is gets more humid in early fall with the heat on. Got my raspberry pi temp/humidity sensor to confirm that. I keep it in the room and it records the sensor data every 30 seconds.

Just don’t want to lose the grow. The nug I took off was huge (I know not dried) but it wasn’t even in top 5 by size.


Toss the nug at minimum. Personally I wouldn’t use anything on the branch, but we can’t take chances.
Like i said. At min toss the nug and call yourself lucky. Add an additional fan for all future grows
Learn and grow


Yeah definitely think about some fans for similar situation so you can get some airflow going on those colas the best you can.

I wouldn’t worry too much about the entire branch if it looks good but if you see any signs that’s a no go of course.

If you’re harvesting now, I think your plant still has a good mix of cloudy to clear so it’s not like you’re too far off, sometimes takes awhile for the ladies to ripen up properly but she’s on her way in her current state for sure

Amber = CBN = sedative

Grab a CBN (legal) tincture to take alongside when you smoke this :slight_smile: Also, have you ever tried CBN products to relax at night? Just wondering.


Well here we go. First harvest. Day 1/5 of Dry mode. Thanks for all the help everyone. Learned a lot. Will have follow up questions about maintenance before starting my next grow and how to add fans to Grobo.


Nope. I will check it out. Thanks.

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Great eye Todd!


Dang that was quick! Nice stuff though… looks like a great harvest honestly. I hope the mold problems aren’t an issue… Keep an eye on the big colas… The irony behind the mold that I’ve found in this industry is those are the ones that can be the most vulnerable due to the size and lack of airflow between the bracts.


I’ll keep checking. I looked at every bud as I was trimming and so far so good. The bud I cut off barely had any mold on it but still. Had to go.

Regardless, I learned a lot for someone who never grew this stuff before. Deff will post some questions about fans and maintenance once the drying is done on this grow.