Lol ya you many find a auto or 2 somewhere!!
All this stuff is a printing press!!
Dude extremely nice setup bro all around ur castle
in an out I’m so jelly man congrats
that is beautiful
You guys make a great team
Roflmao i wish. Plus 10c mostly all week but snow last week
So many late snow delays lol. At least were getting rain
This was Monday (frost) but after tonight I’m think my nights are safe to plant. But I’m going to be a bit getting them used to natural sunlight and wind
Yeah thats every morning still. So weird we can hit plus 20c day hi and freeze overnight
You have any issues with animals ot rodents in your garden
I have a mini fence that I need to put back up… With that up I haven’t had a problem besides birds sometimes peck at my fruit
Nice. So close to a park myself not much we can do. I try to keep em all occupied elsewhere lol.
Never ending amount of these roflmao
Haha love it…
Tea already i havent even planted. Was considering sunday hehehe.
I started to direct sowing yesterday.
My starter plants I may plant on Sunday
The tea is getting more ripe. At 18 hours now I just added some Frass.
Here is a little update a bit of shock from transplant / new climate and some where root bound in the small pots but coming back nicely…
I actually get more enjoyment out of this than my girls…lol
And 1 little girl of course
Wow that looks
bro if I may ask why do u have hay around some of ur plants
Many reasons I’m using straw over hay (Hay has seeds)
- Keeps the soil moist
- Keeps weeds down
- Keeps the soil cooler
- Straw breaks down and adds organic matter to the soil
Wow ask an u shall receive thanks
for the info never new hay did so much