On the way

Thank you. I’ve been reading True Living Organics 2nd Addition. I don’t have to cook this do I. I’m making enough for 12 3gal pot’s did that math.
Just wondering if I should make 12 5gal pots worth of mix. I’ll get my 3s filled and have enough for transplanting. 60gal of soil. Sound right?


Make it all at the same time, make sure its all mixed well with that much to move around!


Does 15 gal of cast. Sound right for 60gal of soil?
3.5 pearl and 60tbls of Gaia Green all-purpose veg???
Spent the weekend trimming with a friend and we had a crew. But most of it was shitty… But the lat 2 Trump and wedding pie were awesome. About a dozen each kind?

Well I’m going to grow 4 plants with TLO. The rest will be Coco Choir and general hydroponics Bio line. But sick of Autoflower’s and need to do some real plants… @Mpower11 @Todd.grobo . Will the boogie brew if unopened stay good or is there a way to store it. I’m getting a small boogie brew.
I got the big one because I don’t know how much it needs. I just know I need it during flower.
I’m going to take Mark’s advice and only do a few to get my Grove. But I’ll be looking and noting each tree. Everyday I’ll give notes and what else I did. Ohhh yeah. What’s a good denser for general hydroponics Bio line. If anyo knows please let me know ASAP… Thanks everyone and Mark and Todd that answer all our questions. Thanks to you two I’ll be stepping up my game…


Keep the bag sealed in a cool dry place it will be until it’s expire date… After that date I would think it will be time to replace…

If can be used in late veg also… Normally the soil still has alot of food in it so that is why I don’t use in early veg…

I haven’t used the Bio line before but I can say this from my past grow’s… Environment has been a big factor in getting dense buds for me… Dropping your RH to around 40% for the last 2 to 3 weeks of flower seems to really help…

For feed

You want to add something that will add amino acids, trace minerals, Carbs for me I use Brix as you know for this… Advanced Nutes has OG Organics Bud Candy… It should have all that in there but you would have to double check

Also bigger the pot the better… Don’t be scared to go Big…

I have also added Soluble Seaweed Extract from Gaia before its a super great source of potassium… Also Bone Meal is a great source of phosphorus… But this grow I would leave these out… Stick to the basics your better off… Less is more trust me… The people that add everything under the sun to there grows 99% of the time will run into a problem somewhere down the line… My opinion the day you can look at a plant and know what it’s missing before it shows any signs of deficiency you ready to add these extra’s… But even then still not really needed…


Well I always grow at least 12 plants every grow. My dilemma is I don’t like the General hydroponics bioline it sucked so I was just wondering if you think my measurements are right. I can make it all up I got everything to do it. Are you worried I’m not going to keep it wet or are you worried about the amount that I’m growing because I’m used to Growing that much anyways but I still have enough nuwts of that General hydronics bioline but it sucked…lol. I personally think I can do it. The only help I’ll need would be a question here and there… As it goes on… But it sounds easier to grow this way period. I just want to know how to make garden’s beautiful… And I need to Grow at least 12 to get what I need wink wink. I think I’ll do 4 plants 1st because I trust you and try to find something to get these bud’s to get fater. But still setting up my room or tent’s upstairs so I can be on top of it at ALL times because I rather hand feed 4 plants instead of 8. So my drip system will be only on my Coco Choir for the 8. I don’t want to risk cross contamination with the TLO grow.

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I can’t comment on GH bioline since I haven’t used it before… GH standard line I had good results…

Honestly I would go with what Todd recommends for measurements with the soil because I start with soil that has the food already mixed it in ready to go (Cooked)… I don’t want to steer you in the wrong direction with something I haven’t done… My plan is to make my own soil in Spring 2022.

I’m not worried I know you can do it… If you want me to speak openly I seen many of your growers you have posted your so close to getting some ready nice plants but somewhere down the the line it looks like they because deficient at some point… I feel the reason is your trying to hard / adding to much products go back to what i have been saying less is more… Master environment first this factor will improve your grows over all these extra so called booster on the market… Refer to VPD chart

The way I grow goes back to nature… Remember these plants grow in the wild outside all the time with no help from us… Keep you soil healthy it will take care of the plant not you… It’s as simply as that. I had 2 plants outside that no one looked at for 6 weeks… Sure if I was around to train etc they would have been better but the plants where healthy and strong because of nature.

Have you ever watch fantastic fungi? I know this Documentary Films about mushrooms but I think you should watch it if you haven’t. If you do end up watching it think about "soil " and fungi how it works… Then think about Tea’s and how and why they play a roll in your soil…

Information is power…

For you TLO list is simply

For me it’s this

Supersoil ready to go

All purpose
Worm Casting
Brix for Carbs (In flower)
Fish Shit (keep the soil alive)
Cal/mag if using RO or distilled
Tea’s if your looking to give soil a nice boost


See I’ve got the boogie brew
Do I use it more than one time?
And every 40 days transfer or top feed. I’d like to get that fugi stuff to put on my roots during trans.
And some oysters crushed not gren. For nitrogen longer lasting.
I also am going to try cooking it in the spring 1.1 like he advised… I found a place to get it all. Our TLO premix THC is backed up and I can’t get it… Here. It comes out of Detroit.
So slowly getting all the stuff I’ll need for a few cooks this spring…


Yes most people do

I would say more like 21 days after your in final pot

You want mycorrhiza to put on your plug’s / Tran’s a example of this would be Great White

I use KBS Granular Myco & Bacteria


Thanks sreenshot that. I’ve got a album of your screen shots lol
3 cup’s and 12 tbsp of Gaia Green all-purpose veg on top of 60gal of soil
16.5 gal of casting’s for a 12 5gal pot grow.
These are my figures please let me know if they are wrong @Todd.grobo


60 gallons soil
10 gallons perlite (2 pots worth)
15 gallons Worm Castings. (16.5 is fine)
All Purpose - 444 - 180 tablespoons (45 scoops)
Flower -284 - 180 tablespoons (45 scoops)
Looks good to me. Sprinkle in a little mycorrhizal when you plant the seed.


Information is power my friend


A water system can over heat or fail and 1 to 2hrs if not noticing it in a short time is why I don’t do water hydroponics. Coco Choir is hydroponics too.
Many ways but I like a mixture of soils. Soil, Coco Choir, peat’s moss, is what I like. Peat’s moss absorbs water and it holds it. Coco Choir gives air, and soil helps it all stick together lol and pearl does good too of course… My uncle puts Clay ball’s into the mix too. Don’t understand why? Lol


I don’t think so but are you telling me to mix in the bloom too when I make this? Or is that the way to use it when flower comes. Just making sure.


Just in flower stage.


That’s what I thought lol. So when I transition over to bloom add that many scoops?


I assume your transplanting them into final flower pots for the flower stage. If so thats when you add.


Ok thanks for the advice…

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Actually thank you @Todd.grobo & @Mpower11 Both for showing me this awesome way too grow.
Anything can go wrong I’m the 1st one to admit my crop failed… But I don’t see a fail coming with this one. We had my room feeling like a nice summer day with a breeze and now the bottom is all natural too. It doesn’t get better than that…
I’m still waiting on a fan and then I’ll be mixing. 120gal of soil minus 30% for casting’s 10% pearl and 7 cups and 4 tabs lol.
Lightly sprinkle the fungus onto the transferred plant every time I transfer it to another pot…


A sneak peak at my new room for my TLO growProcessing: 20211108_230251.mp4…