Hello, my name is Dennis and I’m new to growing. I can’t seem to get a seed to take off. One died so I decided to germinate one and it sprouted a tap root within 24 hours. That was last Thursday. Nothing I happened yet. Is that normal? Is there a way to make the unit warmer on the inside?
Welcome @pkroaster. Yeah it can take a week or so for it to come up. Where abouts to do you have your Grobo? Do you know the temp in and around it currently?
It’s in my basement. I have a thermometer in the unit and it’s reading 70-71
Yeah that’s what mine is/was at for the germination. If you want to raise the temps you may need a small space heater but that won’t be too efficient if the area is big. My thermostat is set at 22 which is around what your at.
Thanks for the info. I gently took the pod out to take a look at the tap root which is growing. I’m pretty sure that was a bad noob mistake. I hope I didn’t kill it.
Yeah just leave it be, this is easily the most fragile and possibly finicky stage for it. I know the feeling, it’s hard to not want to see anything, especially if you already had a seed not work out. Happened to me too but my next one came out fine. Just give it a couple more days
i’m in the same boat. Fist grow, 2nd try at getting the seed to pop and grow. Day 4- also see nothing. Sure it will be fine- just give it some time.
My first didnt sprout for 11 days when I just inserted directly into pod. Sounds like you were okay from the rest of the posting.
My first one didn’t work. I germinated the second on and sliced open a new pod but I think I might have killed it. I recently read that in the newer grobos you don’t need to push the coco pod down. It just needs to be level. I’m getting new coco pods tomorrow and will try again.