Hello every one I am new to this Grobo Thing as we are currently growing our first plant. For some reason some of our leaves started dying did i do something wrong? Also when are the nutrites planned to be used?
Is your unit fairly new? If so your coco pod is too low, it needs to be flush with the lid. Possible your plans is getting too much water and that will cause dampening off.
Push your pod level if you can without disturbing your plant because its at a delicate stage.
Repost if you have other questions and remember to get the entire plant in the photo because we often notice things that you may not.
Agreed with B, you also have a ph swing going on there, I believe
((#PHprobe)): ((#PHsensor)):
(ForSupportHelp): (ClickHere):
(SorryThisHappenedToYou): (ProvideThemWithAPicture): (TheyWillSortThisOutForYou): (ShareThisTopicWithThem): (SaveYourPlant):
(Wow your [coco-pod] is falling through the hole): (Your plant is too small for this to happen): (Give a little squeeze to the [Pod] and try to fit it up through the hole to level it up even with the top of the lid): (The [Pod] is like a sponge and it is swollen with water ): (Be gentle with the [TapRoot]):
(You can do it yourself or you can ask in your Ticket [
(CuriouserAndCuriouser): (ClickHere):
(Why can’t we store our pens until the [Drain/Fill] Time):?
([PHpen] [PHprobe] will never get dirty): (Then we can [Calibrate] it every Grow like they Recommended anyway):
(If you did a [Drain/Fill] and #5 Nutrients never gets dispersed Check to see [
] if you have a kink in your hose):
- - - [2021-08.25]:
(Keep Your Sensors Cleaned):
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Thanks!!! Im going to send new pics and i cant u push the bod with out hurting the plant I am not sure about the PH levels.
Ticket has been submitted
OK squeezed and pushed back through the whole …Mission complete
How do i check the PH?
THANKS!!! this is what i was looking for a PH Meter! I have the PH thingy they sent with the device but I dont have a meter! Time to order
Hey @Doug_Dalila_Umoru,
I’ve responded to your support ticket, everything looks good on your unit data side and you are in great hands with the advice given here so far.
Keep on rolling, you are good!
Thanks for everyones help BIG time; it is our first we are enjoying this experience so far and everyone is so helpful. i see a 2nd unit in our future!
Hey Guys from what i can tell mines is at about a 5.82 or 5.86 it went back and fourth. i am checking to make it is calibrated right at this time.
So when does the 5 bottles of Liquids get used? I marked them with a marker on like FRI or Sat. And i check today and the lines are still the same
Your pH readings are a little on the low end but certainly acceptable.
Bottles 1 & 2 dispense only as needed to regulate pH which is monitored by the hour. Bottles 3,4, and 5 are dispensed each time you conduct a drain/fill in amounts specified by the recipe you are running and what stage of growth you are in.
THANKS!!! ok so its nothing out of control ! Ok cool thanks I will wait and watch
Happy to help Doug, you’re doing well and it looks like Grobo is taking care of your little girl
Thanks everyone for their help! its growing great!!!