Still half a dozen id remove but i think she looks good. Lots of light now!
Ok great
so is ok to give them another cutt or just let them rest
That’s your call on re-trimming but make sure not to go too heavy don’t wanna stunt her while she’s swelling.
With that said they all look FROSTYYYY
super excited
man I will be going back in just got to wait till tonight but that’s what I’m trying not to do is put her under stress at this crucial time but I do see
a lot that need to go as well
Quick question u know so much about water stuff do u know anything about pool
I’m tired
of driving back an forth to my local pool
it’s about a thirty min drive but this is my current situation if u do know
I test and adjust my pool water myself…
You need to know how much water your pool holds… Also do you have a way to test it?
I have 2 tools
Best unit for the price… Still not super cheap
I have this also kickass good but $$$
Waterlink has software you input all your pool data then it tests the water then it tell you what you need to add to get to recommended level…
ALK is normally 80 to 120 ppm
Ph Recommended range 7.2‐7.8
Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine 1.0 to 3.0 I prefer closer to 1.0
@Wake I learned a long time ago you can only count on yourself if you want the Job correctly… I try to be self sufficient as much as possible.
I have my ph meter will that work for now
Believe it why u think
I hit my bro up I said he knows to much about water
he got to have a pool
I do…lol
Problem is just knowing your Ph doesn’t help. Adjusting your Ph Will also adjust your alkalinity. alkalinity and pH work hand-in-hand one counters the other. Without knowing your pH alkalinity and chlorine levels I wouldn’t be much help to you those would be the minimum requirements to adjust a pool.
All i see is a hockey rink 8 months a year… waste of space… rofl
Dude that is beautiful pool I guess my guess was right I don’t know
why I thought
u may have Na I kinda figured when I seen u talking about water
so much in one
of these threads
but I’m gonna get u my readings for my pool
so u can help me out as well Crystal clear u have over there
Man why u say that cause of ur weather
Yes, exactly that. We have had snow every month of the year. My pool outside, the dogs can join me in, much to their distain
Sheesh that is rough but I do love
Ok well we went back in the lab
for round 2 first went the haze white widow royal
gg4 sour what use think
now @OrionsCeiling @Wake @Mpower11
Nothing to add except that I love your operation. Keep up the great work and don’t defoliate any more or you’ll stunt them! We wanna see BIG buds!