New *Beta* Program - Shift Schedule

I shifted back another week in the late veg stage. I did get confused a bit and clicked on the first option “Extend Last Stage By 7 Days” and then had to cancel. I would recommend consideration of the following as far as choices on the dialog:

A) Consider ordering by frequency of usage (most people would likely just extend the current stage back 7 days, not go back into the previous stage - but that’s based on my own experience).

B) Give the options better descriptions:
Return to Last 7 Days of Previous Stage
Shift to Start of Next Stage
Shift Back 7 Days in Current Stage

The above button descriptions I think would result in less confusion and error on the part of users.


Great feedback @MadChad,

Thanks, I’ve flowed it to the team. :wink:


I just want to add. I love knowing how many days are in each stage and having the ability to add or remove days. I’m running a generic auto and I added 7 days to my grow. Based on the calculation I would be finishing way too early without adding those 7 days.

I actually think 7 more may be needed. Shes not even budding yet. Its convenient to be able to alter your stage without having to bug admin to do it for you. If only we had a cooling unit…


I agree the options were a bit confusing and maybe a small description(add extra terms) would work. Think if you swapped extend stage(extend current stage 7days) and next stage(start next stage) it would seem more in order and less confusing at least to me. :call_me_hand: @Stephen


I would like the beta key. My plant is is flush way to early and I need to set it back. Asap @Stephen


Hey @Binky,

Sent you over a key! I think I added an l to your user name in my response too. Was thinking of the PacMan ghost, sorry!


Hey @Stephen add me in the beta. We are getting close to the end of this grow, and would love to have this feature in for the next.




Sent you a PM @RedCorrado,

Shift away!


@Stephen I’ll take a crack at this beta, if you please


Sent you a key @coffindancer!

Let me know your thoughts…


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@Stephen send away in 7 day germ love to see how my first grow goes


I would like to have this feature. Count me in.



((#WelcomeBack))… :wave::wink:



((#Welcome)): :wave::wink:


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Ok, after playing around a little bit here is what think.

The extend last stage for 7 days makes sense. I haven’t had to use it but let say I was going into flush and I noticed those delicious buds aren’t ready yet and need more time with some nutrients. Bamn revert to flower and 7 days added.

Now for the next stage it works excellent no need to change anything in my opinion.

For the extend stage I would like to be able to select how many days I wish to extend the current stage. Sometimes I’m just an inch away from the second fan in late vegetation and I want to just add 3-4 days to bring it up a little more. I know this is being picky because I can just add the 7 days and select next stage when it’s ready but I travel a lot and sometimes I’m not home for a few days to see where my plant is at. This way I could estimate 3-4 days and just let her switch to transition automatically after that.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:


Sent you a key!

Sent you a key too!

We’ve updated the notification engine to adjust with your shifts!

This Beta group is now closed to new requests.

Still open to feedback on the shifts, the shift page and now the notifications from all our existing Beta users. Thanks!


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Great feedback @Stephane, Thanks!!


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I thought I saw a end this stage now button. Was I wrong?

You’re not wrong it is the “next stage” button.