Just got my Gen 2

Update: Gen 2 unit is online. Let’s see where this goes.


So what was the “fix” as this might happen to more of us? Was it only doing an update first ?

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Please post about your issue and the solution you implemented. That’s how we all learn. Makes it a little easier knowing someone else had the issue and solved it. It reduced my anxiety and panic :upside_down_face: knowing I did not have to reinvent the wheel.

Did not mean to be harsh earlier. We have ALL been where you are/were and someone on the forum said be patient and wait on a reasonable fix. I did. It wasn’t Gold or even silver. I compromised…

Now I am up and growing. I am Happy as Hell I waited and worked with the Grobo Team. The product has some problems but once you get it running… It Damn Sure Works!


Relax! Be patient! Take a breath!

Just kidding. Happy to share my solution.

I just reset the WiFi connection by putting the box into pairing mode from the back (just press and hold the power button until the front light goes green) and upon reconnect - the device shows as online. The first thing I did was upgrade my firmware, but after that I was ready to go.

I hope this helps!


Congratulations! Hope u have much success from here on out! Sounds like ur ahead of the curve. I’m waiting on spare parts and I’ll be growing along with ya!


Omg thought I was the only one !! We spent 2 hours assembling yesterday just to have that happen to us too with the cable ribbon. Good to know that we weren’t going crazy.


We have you on the list @Bianca, parts should be going out today!



Trust me when I say this, I had issues with my late unit 1 machine ( I say late being it was 2 months before the unit 2 came out so it had been the latest version), The drain hose was torn from the sharp metal in the unit and I had a few other issues as well, but @Todd.grobo and @stacey.grobo Took SUPER great care of my needs and helped me along every step of the way, I know that anxious feeling you get when you think you just bought a $1800 corner piece for your room that just sits, but you will be up and running in no time, it feels helpless I know I had the same feelings, but Grobo’s customer support has been the best from a company I have ever received, I will be a customer for life now being I am a brand loyalist you do me right I will always spend money on your products being they are great quality as well!


I got only the Gen 1 ribbon cable when I need a longer Gen 2.
I don’t know if my door pin will fit as I don’t want to proceed out of order.
How can I determine what other parts I am missing or do you already know since it happened to so many people who ordered early?

Even worse, I can’t sign up to the grobo support website because the captcha keeps failing over and over.

What should I do?


The door pin you have will fit, so your OK there. Read here, there are many topics about this already.

All you do is email them in the topic and they UPS you what you need. The grey cord is the main issue it seems, but the tank water level clear plastic piece, you need to make sure is long like this picture and not really short or it will not fit. Make sure you can split your pieces close to this or you might need that piece too.


Hey @DetailOriented,

I’ve let the support team know you are in need of a longer grey cable, can you email us at support@grobo.io so we can ensure your address is correct to send out the replacement cable, please?



Updates: Looks like my water level fill meter isn’t working. After 3 days, nearly a gallon of water was gone and I had a bone dry peat pad. Refilled the unit and now the door won’t lock without the whole thing being unplugged and restarted.


Something might be off as you don’t lose 1/3 the water in 3 days even during flowering. This early on, you might not even need to check the water level the first couple weeks as it doesn’t use much. So it was probably not filled to begin with is what I am thinking, if it took a gallon to top off in 3 days week 1.

Not sure about the door yet :grinning: as mine is on, but it is not plugged in as I am waiting on the grey wire.


Who knows. The door’s working again, so I’m sure there was just a hair or something preventing the connection from being made. I’m not losing sleep over three lost days. My solution is blasting classical music at the unit as my pod is now damp with a seed in. It’s now or never time for me!


UPDATE: That new water level sensor that was sent to replace the old one? Doesn’t work! Screws everything up. They will be sending me ANOTHER REPLACEMENT PART!

And to the refrain:
Grobo has great customer service!
We’re all beta testers!
Be patient!
You’ll be growing soon!


I am almost done setting mine up, fingers crossed. I am calibrating the probes now and that is going fine.

I will see if my water sensors work or not in a few minutes when it tells me to do that.


In my experience, you’ll have to wait for Grobo to tell you if they see any movement on their end. I didn’t know I had an issue until I dried out a peat pod. Now I’m flying blind until a replacement comes in and presumably fixes the issue. Fingers crossed!


How many probe checks do you have to do? The ph went fine, the ec did too, then at the end I thought I was done and suddenly it said lets check them again to be sure? Now running a third time I think.

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You’re in the loop! Try resetting the WiFi.

According to Dante, this is the second or third circle - I’m not sure.

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I am having a problem with ph probe calibration. I hit calibrate and it just continues to load doesnt give any info. Just kinda stuck all this point

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