Just let the cycle finish. And right there that’s what I mean Todd always has done it the “Grobo” way I’ll call it lol. Just a matter of preference is all
But my question is at what stage do you know if it’s a dud seed though?
I will. But like I just asked Todd at what point do you know if it’s a dud seed or not?
If nothing comes up at then end of germination I would just start over. Or at least peek under where you plugged the hole. If the seed doesn’t have a tap root coming out it probably won’t
Thank you Russel… I will look and do that at the end of the cycle in a couple days. I really appreciate yall help since I’m a newbie and all. Yall are the real MVP…
No problem! Glad we can help, we’ve all been there!
I’m a vet from the army so for me if I don’t get it exactly right or almost close I freak out lol I know that there will be mistakes along the way but I absolutely HATE wasting my time as well ya know? So I’d rather get it right than wasting valuable time of a already semi long process.
Germination day 7
(I’ve Germinated in and outside the Grobo []): (Depending on where you got the [Seed] and how you stored your [Seed] has a lot to do with your success): (A good [Coco-Pod] also helps): (For Example):