Flowering stage

So I am on day 34/60 in flowering. Do I wait until day 60 or once more than 50% of pistils darken before i stop the grow? Or will grobo automatically know when to stop based on the recipe? Is their a drying mode with the grobo and does it enter that stage on its own and if not how do I initiate it on the my grobo website that shows the progress?


In 26 more days you’ll enter a cleansing stage for 10 days where your water wont have nutrients dispensed in anymore forcing the plant to use up what’s inside making the smoke smoother. I ensure you this is accurate. After that 10 days you’ll have 5 for drying. You can see this in an upcoming app update under maintenance and schedule







You will end the Grow when your Trichomes are ready from Flush Stage: Flush starts Automatically when your 60-Days are up on this Grow: Then you will pick up the Drying Mode Recipe:



((#SomeReads)): ((#Video)): :open_book::video_camera::wink:

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When the trichomes are 30% Amber heads you can put your unit into flush. Just going by the pistils is inaccurate

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Thanks all for the responses!