Today is day 19 since germination pop. Roots ate spiking out tremendously and plant is really taking off over night… literally. Here’s some pics from oldest to most recent of this morning.
Note that leaves look burnt. Not too sure why they are burning in more recent pics but I’m fine with loosing the very bottom leaves if need be and have considered cutting them to prevent possible spread.
What i find fascinating is the rapid growth over night. If you notice in the most current pics, one pic shows the bigger leaves touching the coco tray while the next pic shows almost a quarter inch (guessing by eyeball) between leafe tip and tray.
I once read a study back roughly 10-12 years ago when i was in high school trying to pop my first seed, (sounds naughty), and read that music can influence the health and the grow of plants such as tomato plants and other flowering and fruit bearing plants. During my junior year in high school, i became very interested in the study of cannabis (keep in mind I’m still green and most info learned has since been replaced with other areas of knowledge) and elected into horticulture along with my agricultural class where i grew… you guessed it, tomatoes…Considering the known fact that cannabis and tomatoes are basically cousins and share similar genealogy and traits, most of anything that you can do with a tomato, you can do with a plant.
To get to the point, i played symphony type music on one tomato and metal on another and for my third, i played a tone if bass, not music but just bass… symphony music and pure bass type tones produced a happier and bigger plant while bass won the charts… my study and conclusion is that since bass sends more vibrations in the sound waves, it affected the plant by strengthening and lightly vibrating the plant further beyond what my eyes could visually see. When you vibrate things, you tend to loosen its structural integrity. When you continually vibrate a growing living organism such as a plant, you loosen the cells allowing more internal flow while strengthening. Consider fans and wind moving plants ans strengthening them in this situation and replace it with vibrations…
Starting next week i will begin experimenting that same study on this blue widow to see how it does.
Study would work better with two grobo units with the same strain and recipe started at the same day. One with music and one without. This would yield better study results for comparison.