Everything Flora Flex

Ok finally starting to feel a bit more comfortable after researching all night and getting some great advice from @Mpower11, and @chris_barfield

I switched out the green tote for a bucket for drain to waist, to make it easier to empty.

I installed the rest of the feed lines to the quick connect (making sure they all were the same size) and trailed them to the reservoir.

I added a water temp gauge to the reservoir.

I lowered the light down a bit but I will need a ruler to measure the distance to get it right.

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Yes you will need a Ec probe forsure

Doesn’t hurt to have but I don’t think you really need the water temp gauge for your reservoir.


How’s that tent grow coming?

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A couple things have come up…

Halted once again to order the EC/ppm meter and a timer that can operate several times a day instead of the one a day version, so that I’m not running water constantly.

I couldn’t handle lugging water up and down the basement several times a day.

I’m also thinking about using tap water for my tent grow if I can get the ph right.
Unless I can get someone to install a RO system under my sink later.
I should be ready by the first of the month, I’ll keep you posted!


You don’t need an ro system … tap water will be good all you need is ph up or down depending what your tap water comes out … utilize KISS which means keep it simple stupid … don’t mind the stupid part I don’t think your stupid it’s just the phrase. But anyway just keep it simple tap water is fine … these plants are way more resilient than we Give them credit for … you will be fine with tap just ph it …


Lol he he! You crack me up Chris! :rofl::crazy_face::sunglasses:

Good to know! I know my water is not as good as yours and its hooked to my water softer.
What brand of up/down do you use?


So you ph the tap water first before adding the flora flex nutes?

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Seeing all the issues you’re having with different lines everywhere, nutes, EC, and water, makes me glad I just went with coco and dry amendments. SUPER easy…
Not that I have a sense of schadenfreude, just glad I went simple…

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Lol! Not a misfortune as much as it has been a labor of love!
I could have went with no lines with my coco and self watered, I just thought it would save me the trouble later on.
I won’t know until I fire her up and run her for awhile!
Happy you found what works best for you though!

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General hydroponics

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No I mix everything and then ph …


Do you ph by adjusting flora flex nutes or use up/down?

Up or down

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With everything going on I was delayed Starting this project but Now I’m ready to start it. Here are some pictures of the set up so far

At this time I’m still waiting for my bilge pump to come in to pump out my flood floor. Also waiting for my pump to circulate reservoir water

I ended up purchasing a small bag of each one of their nutes. V1 and v2 also the b1 and b2

Anybody care to share their feed program they had success with?



Nice set up! What size tent is that?
I started mine two days ago and already waisted 10 gallons of nutrient water trying to get the tweaks out of my system.
For some reason the drain I installed in my flood tray all of a sudden doesn’t drain after my reservoir emptied out ten gallons of water into it, trying to get the timer to work as set.
Finally got my hydroguard powerstrip w/timer to work properly on the lights, next to correct the feed timer and flood drain.
Oh and the PC meter I paid a hundred dollars for doesn’t work, tried to calibrate and it just keeps saying error.
Keep me posted…

My tent is a 4 x 4

My flood floor is 3x3

My plan is to have 4 plants in here. Right now I have 6 pots setup because 3 seeds are reg so I’m going loss a couple

I have been testing my system with just water right now to try to get the bugs out (don’t have the coco in the pots yet also)

I’m not sure I understand what you mean about your drain not working. (Im not following what you mean exactly)

Do you keep your ph meter in Store solution when not in use? You can’t let them dry out

Also I do plan on installing everything (cleaner setup) when I’m happy how everything is working.

What I’m trying for my flood floor is I ordered a boat Blige pump with a auto float. If this works I can keep my flood floor on the ground and not cut a hole it in

Here is my pump note it’s 12 v so I need a power supply to plug it in but I have a couple


I was wondering about the size versus the pots, what will you do if they all survive?
I cut a whole in the bottom of my flood tray to hook up a drain line then to a hose that is positioned in a bucket for waist, and it was working fine until the flood.
I keep my PH meter in solution but not my EC meter that I just bought.
I was also trying to keep from cutting a whole in my flood tray but had to eventually go with it since I couldn’t figure out another way to get rid of the waist water, I ended up propping it up on bricks.

I went with the biggest pots they sell (8’)… To me they seem small but they say you can get a big plant out of them we will see I guess. If I end up by luck getting all female plants I may change to flower sooner and finish with small plants or maybe I will kill 2 of them… Last option maybe move 2 outside when the weather is better not sure yet… Correct EC meter doesn’t need solution… If my idea doesn’t work with my flood floor I’m going to have to rise my flood floor off the ground and cut a hole also…

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Yeah i went with the 8" pots too!