Everything Flora Flex

Not using any ph up or down but great info!!! :eyes::seedling:
P.s. My nutes arent clouding up either, I’m thinking you mixed my post up with someone else’s!

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You will find using vinegar isn’t stable for longer time as using phosphoric acid

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How many days are your nutes mixed for before used up? If only a couple days that maybe why

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No I found a better one :point_up:t4: Same size tho


You may get different answers here but 4 x 4 loads 4 nice big plants. 6 you could do but I think the plants will have to be smaller.

One thing to note is if your putting your Dehumidifier and humidifier in your tent you may not have room for 4 big plants but the good news is since your in pots on the floor that will help you out with room over adding a flood floor (tray)


The tent :tent: comes with a tray that sounds gd tho I’ll bee happy :smiley: with that 4 plants :seedling: once I start receiving everything I’ll put them up see what u an @Bplatinum9 @Vicc think :thinking::thought_balloon: an can’t leave my boy @Todd.grobo out use been helping me so much I would love to thank :pray:t3:Use personally god willing one :point_up:t4: of these days in the near future use are great :+1:t2: thanks :blush: again :dash::seedling:


I don’t think these kits come with a flood floor (at least not what I’m talking about) could be wrong

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My nutes/feed water get used in 3-4 days

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What makes it better to you?


I’ll double check once I get a chance at work right now

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The side door :door: to enter



It’s had to stay without seeing it. I’m guessing that price is us funds so that like 130 Canadian

If I was in the market for a 4x4 tent this is the model I would get. I have seen this tent in person. Get quality for the price I think it’s like 30 bucks more than the one above. It has no windows but quality is there


@Bplatinum9 with all this tent talk going on I think I’m moving into a 4 x 8 (don’t want more plants just more room for gear and I want to be able to get right in there. Not 100% sure yet


Yes it is US currency :yen: I already purchased it an some equipment to just waiting on it received all my fox :fox_face: farm stuff final step would be the light :bulb: cause I already have a ton of seeds just want to have everything up an only wait for the light :bulb::dash::seedling:


What is your plan for nutes? I ask because looks like your use LOS (living organic soil)

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I got nutes from fox :fox_face: farms as well as there bags of soil


Ok just watch how much nutes you add a lot of growers don’t use any nutes with LOS


That’s funny :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: @Todd.grobo told me the same thing before I do anything I’ll see what use guys say while I read on it

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I surely been on the fence myself but I just bit the bullet and ordered the gorilla grow 4 x 8 tent w/ gear boards and the new green sunshine V3 light.
Wondering if I need to upgrade my ventilation for the bigger space even if I will be growing the same number of plants and dont care about smells.
Are you gonna buy more lights for yours?
The 4 x 8 holds four of my lights but I’m starting with two because im only using about half the tent to grow in and the rest for space!