Everything Flora Flex

I do agree the up front cost is a lot but I think the list of nutes will last a long time before you have to buy more.

I never need ph up I always need ph - your water source must have a low starting ph

My fresh water is ph 7.0

Pretty sure I can get two to three grows out of the flora flex nutes 1lb bags. The other add ins will last a bit longer with the quart sizes.
Wish I could get my hands on some of the flora flex buckets to store my veg and bloom nutes in without having to make such a big purchase.
I dont know what my water ph was, been using Gordons water company but, I just bought a zero water filter/pitcher from the water guys company so I can use my tap water.

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What do you mean by flora flex buckets?

I have this pump at home that I use for a different job but since I own it I’m going to try it out this weekend and see how it does

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25lb is a lot of nutes…lol

You would need a few tents haha

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Just need an empty bucket to store my nutes in that’s all, and since the flora flex buckets are already labeled I thought it best.
I’m only growing two plants each harvest 25lbs would take a lifetime! :crazy_face:

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That is so true…

You still feeding nutes?

Last day today I’m flushing tomorrow! You?


This is my last week on nutes… Thinking Sunday I’m starting to flush

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How long you guys flushing ? I do three weeks in coco still … and yes I do notice a difference regardless of what the science says


What amount of flush time do you find best for DWC?

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Really I was planing on doing 7 to 10 days

I guess it’s to late now don’t have 3 weeks left :frowning:

I mean that’s what I do … it’s different for everyone man

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Like a week to two weeks


I’m doing a ten day flush!

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Is there a secret to getting FloraFlex to accept your credit card? I remember someone mentioned something like this somewhere in the thread, but I really don’t want to dig through 6 months of posts :alien:


Not that I know of accepted mine with no problem. They seemed happy to take my money…lol

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Hmm, tried 2 different cards and when I tried to place an order it gave me an error. My cards are nowhere near maxed out, so that isn’t the issue.