Everything Flora Flex

Exactly! Thanks @Mpower11 your the greatest!

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@Bplatinum9 Based on my meters here is the results if it’s any help

Note 1 thing different is I didn’t use R/O water but I did provide my starting tap water that you could minus. Let me know if this doesn’t make sense to you and I can explain if needed. I provide data after adding V1 then after adding V2. Also I provided PPm and Ec reading because I know Chris in Veg likes going by ppm over Ec maybe he can confirm if his result are similar. Also one thing I do is I store my tap water in a bucket for 3 days before I use it. This gives time for the Chlorine in the water to Gas off.

Note in the picture I didn’t adjust ph yet


I really appreciate your efforts and time!
At least it gives me an idea even though our water sources are very different.

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No Problem :+1:

Here is what my plants look like today

This little one isn’t going to make it


They all look good! Was the smaller one a different st meain? Was it potted same time as others? :eyes::seedling:

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All 6 plants germinated on the same Day!! The second one I say it just a bad seed (it’s growing just very slow) I’m going to keep it around until I need space then I will let it go… for now just a experiment

The first 3 pictures are strain Lemon Snow Cone Reg seed


Harlequin (it’s a Cbd)


Blackberry Dream


Strawberry Gelato

I was hoping with the Lemon snow cone to get a male and cross it with the strawberry gelato. We will see planted 3 seeds now it looks like I only have 2 :frowning:

Question I believe you said you are giving your plants 2 shots of water per day right now. How much time are you watering per shot?

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One minute per shot.


Ok new question for you guys.
My plants look good but they feel dry and crunchy do I need to add another water cycle time, move the light higher, or add a humidifier etc…


Might want higher humidity


Thanks Chris I will try that!


Haven’t purchased a humidifier yet but I did notice that since I changed the bubbler flow I was barely getting any water to my plants.
I have now switched the feed time from one minute to two and added another feed schedule to the automatic timer, totaling four feed times.


So after the changes made I woke up to this…
More discoloration, leaves a little less crispy but still stiff.

I have now turned down the carbon filter fan a bit and changed the feed time to last two minutes first and last feed and one minute second and third feed.
I am determined to get this right.


Question do you know how many ML you are watering per minute? You can take 1 extra hose that is running back in your tank and put it in a measure cup…

I have a thought on the Fan leafs but I’m going to look into one thing before I comment

To me it looks like Magnesium Definitely… My opinion this makes sense because your using R/O water and your not adding any Cal/Mag… Coco needs Cal/Mag at full strength

Also I think you maybe watering to much now but without knowing how much ML of water you are feeding per day each plant it’s hard to say forsure… Also how much leach per day is helpful information also.

I’m feeding 2 shorts per day right now and I’m only a few days behind you.

Lights on 6:00am

8:00am 30 sec = 225 to 250 ml
8:00pm 30 sec = 225 to 250ml

I will upload some updated pictures later today

Humidity I’m running from 45 to 50%

Here is a update on my plants… I’m going to kickup my nutes a bit to darken them up more


Looks good! :eyes::+1::seedling:


My humidity is low so I’m going to address that first by adding a humidifier Saturday. 34% humidity
I’m also going to grab some cal mag this weekend.
Gonna buy another pump and add hose also to circulate water.

Using the black bubbler flow four times a day, I noticed it was way too dry feeding twice a day, which was making humidity low and plant to be dry/brittle.
Feed Schedule as of today…
9:00 - 9:02 pm
2:00 - 2:01 am
7:00 - 7:01 am
12:00 - 12:02 pm


I think your plan is right on track with Increase humidity, Adding cal / Mag (ASAP) and Cir the water a bit (on a timer)

For me and I could be wrong but it sounds like a lot of water based on my system but without knowing how many ML you feeding per day I’m only guessing… 1 minute of watering for me may not be the same and 1 minute for you.

I know your meter is down but remember when you add Cal / Mag to your feed it’s going to increase your EC so in turn you many need to drop a little V1 and V2 from your mix so your Ec doesn’t get it high.

Keep up the good work :slight_smile:

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Is your water circulating on the same schedule as the feeder?

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What I’m going is


Water 8:00am
Water 8:00pm

7:40am to 7:55am


7:40pm to 7:55pm

Now I’m also mixing about 7 more times a day for 10 mins Each (Over 24 hours)

Maybe on the overkill side but my mixing pump is like 36 watts so it really don’t cost anything to run so I don’t care to much

I feel what is important is stirring It up for a minimum of 15 minutes before you irrigate