Dark phase warning?

I’m wondering why, if you try to open the grobo through the app when it is in its dark phase, it doesn’t give you a warning. I did this once or twice in my first grow and I just did it now in my second. I would not have opened it if I realised it was dark and it seems like an easy thing to remind a user of.


Hello @bluegro,
Do you own a Grobo solid which blocks the outside light?
The solid was designed for those who needed to prevent the light from showing through the premium glass that signals users of lights mode.
The solid users go by the light schedule they have set to know if the lights are on or off.
If you have the solid and are not use to the time you set for light schedule may I suggest you add a small camera to the inside of the unit that can give you a visual. :eyes: :seedling:

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