(The top would feel a little damp and the bottom might feel a little soaked for the Bubbler water splatters up to the coco-pod to help keep it moist):
((#SomeReads)): ()
> ((#Stages)):
(This Notification comes [Automatically] regardless if you need it or not): (It never hurts to just fill it a splash of water): -or- (You can just ignore it just this once): (The [Drain/Fill] Notifications are the same as well): (They are just Reminders you have a Grobo to take care of and running): (Don’t Forget Your Plant In The [Grobo] []):
((#ItIsAlive)): (Congratulations): ()
((#IWillWatchYouGrow)): ()
(When your water level drops and the roots don’t get moist anymore is when you need to add more water manually): (Right now you are in real good shape):