You might not need that fan just yet! Your Strain sounds awesome, I can’t wait to watch her grow!
Your temps and RH are well within range. You’re going to need a smaller fan . Go for 5”.
Also, go for a fan that is the least obstructs the least amount of light.
@Letsgrowmore Thanks! I’m super excited to grow this!
@SWSVIC I have a new fan coming. Will see how that works out haha
I lifted my coco pod up a little because the bottom appeared too wet and dripped water when I lifted the lid
(The top would feel a little damp and the bottom might feel a little soaked for the Bubbler water splatters up to the coco-pod to help keep it moist):
> ((#Stages)):
(This Notification comes [Automatically] regardless if you need it or not): (It never hurts to just fill it a splash of water): -or- (You can just ignore it just this once): (The [Drain/Fill] Notifications are the same as well): (They are just Reminders you have a Grobo to take care of and running): (Don’t Forget Your Plant In The [Grobo] [
(Congratulations): (
(When your water level drops and the roots don’t get moist anymore is when you need to add more water manually): (Right now you are in real good shape):
@SilverGrobo Thanks for the info! I was concerned about the bottom coco pod being too damp but I guess that’s fine during germination phase.
Hi folks, on day 4 of germination, I received a notification to fill my water. Should I be doing this? The water level looks high to me (about the same as my initial fill) and the bottom of the coco pod is damp. What do you guys think?
No you can ignore this one. Start doing weekly “top offs” once your 2 weeks in. If you want to try for “practice” stick your fill tube in a gallon of water and run the “fill” protocol in your app. This is how you will perform your top offs in the future.
Your water level sensor guard I noticed is not clipped on correctly in the photo, slide it over more to the right and clip it onto the corner of the water tank in front of the water level sensors it should fit right in
@Letsgrowmore do you mean the plastic cover? I moved the cover briefly to take a clear picture of the knobs/levels, which I assume is the water sensor correct?
Yes that is correct. Also, sorry I assumed your gender just realized I have no idea whether you’re male or female!
No problem! I’m a human adult male from planet Earth
noted, made the mistake of calling a female “he” early on in my time here on AG, think it gave me mild PTSD
Nah, wasn’t B
Is it too early to say it’s alive?!
I noticed having the fan on keeps the temperature inside 2-3 degrees cooler so I’ve been running the fan.
It’s most certainly alive, congrats!
Germination (Day 8 /10)
Did my first Drain/Fill today and replaced my fan with a smaller one.
Set up a sticky trap because I found a bug inside the Grobo.
Added 5ML of Hydroguard
She grew a root!