Hi Growers,
We have had a couple questions about how the timing of our notifications works, so I’d like to explain that a bit.
Notifications start based upon the time you start your recipe. 24 hours after you select your strain, fill your unit and plant your seed, you should begin receiving notifications (some recipes do not have full notifications yet, coming soon!). If we have adjusted your schedule, the time we adjusted it, will be your new notification time.
When you get a notification, you can perform the action at your leisure. If the notification pops up at 2:30 pm and you are not available until 8:00 pm, no problem. Simply perform the action then. If you know you are going to be getting a drain and fill notification over the weekend and won’t be home? Perform it early and simply dismiss the notification when it pops up.
Hope this helps. If anyone wants to adjust your notification time, please email support@grobo.io and we will get you fixed up, straightaway.