3 day top up notification and coco pod question

Our Notification came on Day 4…


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@SilverGrobo the notification came up right as day 5 was starting for me the particular strain I have gorilla bomb has a longer grow cycle than other recipes maybe that why it pops up on a different day not sure🤷🏽‍♂️ but it’s all good


Morning @alucard,

It looks like it was sent Nov. 30th at 10 pm. Followed by the ‘Your seed should be popping’ notification Dec. 1st at 10pm.

Did you get those notifications?


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Yes I did! @Stephen


Nice, I was just going to ask this same thing. Hit day 3 today and was wondering the same about the notifications.

So im on day 3 going into four with no signs of life yet to be noticed. Using a growers choice gelato seed and the generic hybrid recipe i guess after reading all of these posts i shall continue to wait may have to germinate this seed first im guessing if i dont see something soon.


If after 5 days she hasnt popped, definitely feel ok to gently take a peak under the piece of pod cover you put in place and see if shes tangled up or sprouted. If not cover her back up, she may require longer.
I personally have had them pop on day 3 and everything up to day 10. After 10 days, I throw them out and start over.

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HeyTodd! thanks for the advice from the pro! I wondered if messing with it to take a peek would hurt thanks for clarifying that for me for sure!


I pulled the plug on the coco pod just couldn’t take it and sure enough I just need to develop some patience I seen real quick a root type piece that definitely didn’t look like what I dropped in the hole lol at any rate I stuff that plug right back in and closed her back up. Thanks for all the advice again this forum is great!


Did you take a picture as mine grew something, but after 5 days nothing came thru the top. It turned out mine twisted in there and was not growing up. I put in another seed I started in wet paper towels first and had growth that could be seen in 3 days.


No i was so scared to be in there i just got in and out , however it looks as if there was a little piece of white just barely breaking out or just have broke out seems as if it is still deciding on a direction to take maybe from the looks i can only hope it goes up and then roots straight down right? I will be sure to be on the watch :muscle:t5:


Day 5 looks like im moving right along so far no roots showing in the bottom of the coco pod yet however did catch this beauty trying to shine!


At what point should I begin to concern myself with not seeing any roots coming out of the bottom of the coco pod? I still have not had to add water despite getting a notification it said levels were good still moist on top and water still touching bottom of pod.


Mine is day 8 and no roots showing yet, but mine is maybe 2x that size already. I just changed the water and did not see anything yet.


Wow ok so just hurry up and wait lol.


A long waiting game really. :grinning:


Let’s push your pod up to about an inch above the line. This is the stage where we can prevent damping off by raising the coco pod to ensure its dry asap


Is this the look im going for 1in. above like this? I couldn’t get it stay on its own seemed like it kept sliding back down seen others using toothpicks decided to go the same route went ahead and did a drain and fill also while I was in there.


That’s pretty good! Yeah, when the pod dries out quickly, sometimes it shrinks and the toothpicks will help hold it in place. Once the pod is dry you should be in the clear! Looking good!


Thanks, I will take a look. This was the pod I had to dig that bad seed out of, so already a little beat up. :grinning: Let me see if I can push it from below some.

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