@Stephen My grow room was shorted out as the Grobo 2 just started emptying on the floor for no reason at all? Now need to pull the rug and clear everything out of the room to see the damage. I saved everything I think, but it was just shooting out and the hose was attached to the back so shooting all over.
Grobo 1 is back online, Grogo 2 is not coming back up, but had a dim blue light on and I think the fan is going, but no lights at all.
Good thing I was even home, heard water dripping and thought what is going on and I ran for the Grobo area and the Grobo 2 was just pumping out emptying on the floor.
I can’t risk this happening again. Imagine if I was not home, not even sure how to start clearing the room out and removing the rug. I did fix it I thought and I said the water level sensors were off and they are.