Will this be an issue?

I have not experienced the issue so I cannot speak from personal experience. However, every time I have seen an overgrowth problem here on AG, the first recommendation from all the Champs is “Super Crop”. Below is a link to give you a solid education on how and why super cropping works, as well as instructions on how to perform the task should you decide to do so.


It’s also worth noting that after super-cropping you might want to tie those branches down so they stay where you cropped them to. Within a few days they might just fold back out to where they were if they are not restricted somehow.


super cropping in weeks 1-3 in early flower would be okay, since the plant is not full on budding yet… but in this situation i would honestly cut the top buds away to give some light to the bottom and extend the flowering phase… That is just me though…

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Thank you so much for the information! :ok_hand:t5:

Cut the top bud? As in harvest the top and extend the bottom?

I’m not sure :thinking: the scope so small I can’t see

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