White Widow Hybrid -Royal Queen Seeds

Awesome rebound.


Transition (Day 9 / 14)

trimmed a bit from the bottom and took two big fan leafs off after i took pics. still week and a half till next major haircut . Boris seems to be doing great now…



((#TooTall)): :giraffe:

(HereComesTheLight): :bulb:



(SoSorryForYourIssue): (HopeTheyFigureItOutForYou):

(If it makes you feel any better Our [BlueberryGrow] at the end, the Bubbler died on [me/us]): (It lost its Brilliance): (I have back-up now): :expressionless:


(#YourGrowYourCall): :herb:

((#TooTall)): :giraffe:

(Don’t forget you can drop the coco-pod down through the lid if you need more stretch):


((#ILoveThisFlower)): :white_flower::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sparkling_heart:


(VeryImpressiveStocks): :herb::giraffe::herb:



tried a drain and fill this am and it seems low water sensor is failing again …had to keep clicking drain about 7 times to get it to drain, after fill doesn’t look like its dispensed any nutes so opened a support call…
bad time to have to try and repair plant is so big gonna be hard :frowning:

taller today tho, trimmed some lower growth,


Heard back from support,we’re gonna replace the sensor and manual feed for now.

She’s getting tall, Might have to super crop before next weeks defoliation


Boris reached the ceiling so my first attempt to super crop.
put a support under the branch so wouldn’t bend to much.


Do you know what made it papery? My leaves are green, but feel papery as well.

when it was all droopy?
I have a faulty low water level sensor and it wasn’t draining and filling the correct amount which was causing havoc with the dispensing of bottle 3,4,5
if you use a black felt tip marker you can mark the levels before a drain and fill…and after a couple hours you’ll notice bottle 3,4,5 have dropped

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I was referring to when you said:

“Might be bottom leafs are starting to turn yellow , feel of leafs are abit papery vs softer but overall it’s still very green , two sprouts from topping are slowly growing in.”

I’m asking because my leaves feel that way although everything looks fine so far. I mark my bottles as well - nutes are dispensing very conservatively. pH Up & Down get used the most.

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i think when that happened my water level was extremely low for a few days (due to problems with sensors fill stopped early and i didn’t notice first time) and plant was starving for food and air.

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Flower (Day 6 / 39)

drain and fill day! I think tomorrows the last defoliation haircut.(most guides don’t have 2 weeks of transition so this is 3rd week of flowering for them) I supercropped another branch last night, did a better job it seems to be able to just hold itself up without support, first one needs support or it bends to much. might have two more that i’ll have to do …kinda hoping good old Boris will stop reaching for the light LOL the one on the right i pulled away from the light so i can check tomorrow and it shouldn’t get scorched


Hmmm … how did your roots look around that time? (If you remember). Mine look kind of weak so I’m wondering if I might have the same problem with the water not filling high enough. My pod has been feeling dry to the touch. I thought it was because water is purposely kept low to encourage root growth, but maybe it’s too low.

Well there are three sensors behind shield , my understanding is after germination should be going to height of second one.
If you lift lid slightly you an see how much waters in it. I think my drain is about 1.6 gallons


Yeah that’s where mine stops. Maybe I’m just overthinking it.


Flower (Day 8 / 39)

today is last major defoliation. used hooks to pull 2 tall side branches away from direct light so they don’t scorch…is it to late to supercrop those two? Might it be best to leave as is now or should i do it tomorrow?

was very aggressive with trim all the large fan leafs removed…last time Boris bounced back great, hopefully not to much.
Exciting times…this grow has been so different from first i can see how hybrids that grow about 1meter indoors might just be the optimal strains for the grobo.


Crazy how different it can look after a haircut. Boris is looking mighty fine


Your still early in flower maybe you can start bending them to go in a circle across the top or add a scrogg up top to hold them.
You may also need to drop your coco pod to the bottom of the reservoir.


thats a good point too forgot about the pushing the pod down,
it seems like the stretch is about done at this point tho


Flower (Day 11 / 39)

shimmied up the scrog screen to give more support in the middle, as well pushed the cocopod down a couple inches to give a bit more space under the light. Boris definitely has more developed pistils. just got to keep an eye on the height so it doesn’t scorch.


Just awesome, great job! She’s an attractive one.