Week 3

Day 21 :slight_smile: a bit of brown coming on I hope that’s not a bad sign xD


Hey @David_mendez

If you’re not seeing anymore new spotting from this point forward you should be ok. It’s not uncommon for the first leaves. Had a few myself and just cut those leaves off at some point. :+1:

Send a ticket in where they can check your settings support@grobo.io


Hey @David_mendez

Also what type of water are you using? Tap water, distilled or RO?

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I’ve noticed a bit of browning on a few of my leaves as well. I removed two lower ones that pretty much looks like they had it everywhere. Then it started on another leaf. Using RO water here

I read that it could be a calcium deficiency because of the RO water. So on my next refill I’m thinking i’ll do a mixture of Ro and tap water and see how that works.

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I wouldn’t wait @SterlingNico send a ticket in. Grobo should be sensing a calcium deficiency and adjusting accordingly.

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I do have a ticket in, but haven’t heard back. Guess i’ll Poke Robyn and see if she has any advice.


Hey sterling, send a ticket @Stephen, he will know better, how to advise you.

Hi guys, @SterlingNico & @Osage,

I’m digging in now to see what’s up.


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I’ve responded through support for your ticket @SterlingNico, expect to see it shortly. I don’t recommend adding tap to your RO, as we have designed the system to account for RO, and adjust accordingly. Adding tap may cause the unit to NOT dose Cal/Mag, as it’s not usually needed when growing with tap.

TLDR; drain and fill your unit, you should be fine.

Good to know! Thanks for being my guardian angel in my grows!


I’m using distilled I buy a few gallons anytime I need to fill the grobo


hey guys my leaves are becoming even more brown any pointers ?? Also the second fan is suppose to start on the 24th day right ?? Because mine grobo is still only using 1. @Stephen @Azuri

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First thing send a ticket off too support@grobo.io

You’ve confirmed your temps are good, your using distilled water and the Grobo guys have checked your settings and said they are ok? If the answer to that is yes, then my next best guess is your sensors are out of calibration. If anyone else can think of plant issues they may chime in.

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Hi @David_mendez,

I’ve seen a bit of this issue lately, its a calcium deficiency caused by low pH. Send me a ticket to support@grobo.io and I’ll take a peek at your data to ensure your ranges are all as we want them to be. For now you can remove the badly burned ones on the very bottom, they are no longer helping.



I have sent the ticket

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Thanks @David_mendez, I see you and I’m working on ya!


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Looks like the exact issues I had. With that being said, I clipped the leaves that had them and my plant has continued to grow, so I’m not sure it’s anything really to be too terribly worried about.