Can’t wait to watch you grow!
Thanks @Bplatinum9
Both units air stones are dead. They dont last 60 days atm. Got one unit small and one big so well see how it affects the same plant at the same time.
That would explain why my bubbles seem to be less and less.
Have you started buying them in bulk?
Yes. Usually in packs of 6 now.
Are you running two Grobo’s, side by side, with Wappa?
Yes. Thats the plan
4 days in one unit has popped already. Im impressed.
ones bent neck lady.
(Congratulations): (ForBothOfThem): (
] I am so sorry this happened to you): (It won’t take long to stress her out): (I would put in a [
] for now): (Have a [Back-up AirStone Pump] would help): (Try going back to before the [wifi Extender]): (Hope you didn’t short out your [Grobo] components): (Let us know how it goes):
((#PagingDrStephen)): @stephen
@Stephen =
both pods were very wet and.both plants started to lean. After popping the pods up an inch and still wet and cold i pulled higher and put a fan on one and the other with toothpick. Both dried off thus dampening avoided.
These 2 plants are comparable in size to the 2 in dirt pots outside. Those have been growing for 4 weeks
Anyone seen this before?
Doesnt seem to be spreading… but.
Only that leaf and the one across from it look like that as you can see in the zoom out
Looks like he took a L for the other leaves!
I noticed my roots looked like that last week after a d/f and they were resting against the nute tube holder, looked down and there was the brown residue on it, anyway I just moved it away and wiped it off. A couple days later the roots were clearing up. But it did look like rot to me, I smelled it, felt it. Damn near violated her…lol. we’re not far in growth time so that’s what I’m guessing it could be . Who knows of that’s attributed to the dead leaf, mine did not do that.