Upgrade ideas

It may cus when the water melts it may mess up some of the balancing and it may raise water level, I think the best thing is to chill the water first then add it and use a fan or water chiller when I get one I just don’t have the cash rn

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Yea that’s what I was thinking :thought_balloon: too u wanna try to keep ur machine in the coolest part of ur house :house_with_garden: with fans till then using that method u should be ok :+1:t2:

You can shift the schedule to lights on during the night time to deal with high temps

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My seed is a photo period so I don’t mess with the lights

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Did u put hydroguard in there

Yeah why

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So u can prevent the root rot at least till u receive the rest of ur equipment

Oh word yeah I hope she’s ok

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:pray:t3::seedling: hope so as well

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