Out door’s but I go with these pots sizes.
Phenotypes I put them from the cup too a
3gal then a 5 gal 10gal 15gal I stop at 15 or 20 pending on if the plants are bushes it tree’s lol.
You can go higher it’s up too you. I can grow a 9ft plant indoors with 6ft of space. Training and scrogs can help a lot when you grow indoors as we all should know and if you didn’t now you do.
Ask all the questions you need. The BBOG is the only one outside…
Autoflower’s go into 5gal pots from the plant of germinating only one pot. Don’t sit on the floor or move Autoflower’s they will freak out and grow crazy.
This link will show you a video that will teach you how too train your plants and make them stronger.
But this kind of training is not for Autoflower’s. Only phenotypes…