Sweetleaf & stems- what to use them for?

About to start harvest on my first grow, so curious as to how others are using the sweetleaf,stems, and popcorn buds? I am thinking about either going the wax route with some iso or edibles.

Also- I’m guessing these also have to be dried and cured first? or are they good to use right after harvest


Following :male_detective:t2:


If you’re extracting for wax/shatter/oil, using alcohol, then you want as little water content as possible – ideally none. Dry it out.

If it’s for edibles it doesn’t matter as much.

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does anyone brew tea with it? I assume one would just brew the sweetleafs and stems the same way as they normally brew tea.

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would I dry out in the grobo along with the buds that are hungup? i think ive seen a platfull on top of the resovoir before- or dry another way?

I just put them in a ziploc bag or mason jar and somewhat cure/dry them (let them air out slowly for few hours each day), but without as much care as the buds.

You can just put them on a plate to start with, yes – but eventually you’ll probably want to put them in some sort of container until they’re ready to use.


Thank you. Just trimmed some sugar fans and going to try this. :+1:t2: