Skywalker Auto 2nd Grow

Very impressive!! Love the leaf pic!


Day 38 11/14 transition. She’s looking a little sad tonight … any ideas? @SWSVIC @Bplatinum9 @pyromancy @SilverGrobo I decided to perform a calibration which was needed and also performed a water change tonight as it was time! Starting to flower up not sure if I should ride out transition or move onto flower? She’s more sensitive than the first strain for sure, she didn’t take the trimming too well it seems but I will stop now since she’s not a very big girl this time as well but still can put out some :fire: here’s some pics to help see what’s going on, as always thanks for all your support cheers!


Have not seen much difference this morning, however I switched her to flower to see if it helps her out at all @SWSVIC @Bplatinum9 @SilverGrobo

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Hmm I’m no expert but I’m trying to do some research into the drooping leaves. They don’t seem to be “wilting” which would mean drying and crumbling.

Is your bubbler working in the reservoir? It almost seems like this might be a lack of oxygen to the roots or something?

Since it’s DWC I doubt it’s overwatering but I feel like a lack of oxygen can come from that in a soil grow and thats why I think maybe the bubbler going out might be a problem here?


Thx for chiming in! I checked it last night and I do still have bubbles going, doesn’t seems any different at this time but I’m worried I don’t want to loose her so want to catch this early and get her right on track again, I have yet to open a support ticket but I would consider if no improvement over the next day plus not sure if they offer Sunday support?

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No Sunday support.

Are you using any extra nutrients besides the Grobo ones? Are your roots looking healthy and not brown?

Obviously the next things to check in my mind would be a pH issue or potentially a nutrient uptake issue of some sort, or a lock out…

Did all your bottles dispense?

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Also seems like only the top of her is a bit droopy, everything above the trimming section

All bottles look to be dispensing fine, checked my roots and they look great, no browning or anything abnormal, the unit looks perfect which is why I am a bit worried, no additional nutes are being added I have just kept this grow simple

Hmm… I wonder if it’s a pH thing? Are #1 and #2 being used extra heavy recently at all? I can only imagine a bad pH issue would cause a lack of nutrient uptake or lockout of some sort.


Not sure I will mark the bottles from now on to keep a closer eye on it, I have used the same water with this always. it could possibly have been lack of oxygen from not enough water top off? Maybe she’s thirstier than I thought and need to switch to daily top offs now

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If you have the solutions to do a pH health check, I would recommend doing it ASAP to be sure. Also, it would be a good idea to open a support ticket ASAP so they can check in on their end, they will be able to tell if anything seems off for an extended period of time, also with EC meter.

I want to say that a lower level of water will only add to oxygen to the roots but I could be wrong. The reason I say that is because when people lose power to their Grobo, one of the suggestions made from Steven was to lower the water level so the roots can get more oxygen.

One more thing: How low is your temperature at night time?

P.S. If you don’t have the solutions for pH health check, I’m kinda wondering if it would be beneficial to atleast check the meter to see if there is a bunch of build up on it. The only thing I don’t know is whether or not it’s okay to clean with water/soap as they recommend for the health check but NOT then calibrate afterwards; no idea if that would throw the sensors off or something.


It sits at around 73 always Maybe drops slightly without the light on. I will open a ticket even though it’s Sunday just to get a closer look at things… I did perform a cleaning and a calibration last night as I did a check it prompted me to go ahead with a calibration which I figured was time anyways since it’s been over a month now


Oh, if you did a calibration last night then something was probably off on your probe… can hope that she ends up receiving the change well…

Sorry missed that in your post, an incorrect pH level would mean a lack of nutrient absorption which would probably cause some issues like drooping I would imagine, especially if the temps aren’t getting super low, the bubbler is working, and nutrients were dispensed.


Yeah man! @pyromancy love all the positive energy I’m hoping she getter better from it, I will post a root Pic update later today


No problem! Good luck. I really think that after a nice day of sunshine she will be perking back up. The Grobo checks pretty much hourly from what I’ve heard on the pH level, your plant will probably take a little bit of time to adjust to the correct water and start uptaking nutrients the way she should.

Definitely check the roots though I would say just in case!


I went ahead this morning and switched to flower now instead of another 3 days but I did that based on your schedule you provided me with since flowers have already started I read to switch when they are starting

Yeah, that’s probably a decent call honestly. I wish I would have switched to flower a little sooner myself honestly. I flipped to transition when pistils first appeared, and then went to flower on 13/14 of Transition… she has continued to grow and grow. My plant is too big now almost… I’m hoping every single day that she will just stop stretching and will focus on buds. I’ve been tying branches down for the past week trying to control it. I want to say she’s starting to work on budding but I can’t be sure… haven’t seen much progression in the buds in the past week when I thought she was

My plant is just kinda a white-knuckle sit back and hope for the best at this point. Don’t wanna have to kill her but she’s almost unmanageable imo.

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Wow that’s crazy she stretched so much my girl still short! I want to take a peak at her also

Just to throw something else out there (probably not it but worth a shot), is there a fan on her that might be blowing a little too strong?


Yes it is possible @SWSVIC I can turn it down to lowest setting to see if improvements come about

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