Shiskaberry germination looks od

Sometimes its just a bad seed… (before)

Well now the new girl is starting to yellow towards the center of her leafs… yikes!


I have a spot on one of my leaves and I noticed it happen when my water temperature was around 78F. As of now the leave is getting bigger and I don’t see any spreading of spots, keeping my water around 72F. I’m still Not sure exactly what it is though.

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How exactly do you go about changing the temperature of the water.

I’ve seen people use aquarium type chillers, but all I did was turn the AC temperature down on that room(72F) and I have a small Fan inside the Grobo running for 3hours on 3hour off on a timer. That worked great for me.
But I would just keep an eye on it and see how it goes. If it gets bad you can always just put in a support Ticket.
I read on another post the PH might be a little off and can cause that type of problem, but the Grobo would adjusted to the correct Ph

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Also temperature changes can cause pH changes:


Looks good right now just keep an eye on it and let us know if anything changes but, nothing to worry about!

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Update she looks ok… a little bit fat and curly on the bottom leaves…


Your pH may be off @liddellOnus . As you have already found out, happened to me too, damping off will happen if you are messing with her too much in these first few weeks but I’m sure you know that. Still I’d to have them asses your data. :+1:

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And I know they will likely tell me that it’s fine…

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Well on a more positive note I should’ve mentioned maybe just give it a few more days see if she’s just adjusting/environment. What do your bottles look like?


Just here to give an update… the Shiskaberry that finally took is also doing very well in transition now…


Shiskaberry is now in flower… she was topped, gave birth to 6 clones that all did very well and have new homes… this is my second grow, trying some shibari/light training to keep her fairly low and even canopy. Any suggestions? Journal is public, link above


Looks good man. My only suggestion is next time let it go in veg for another 2-3 weeks, you’d most likely have a bigger yield than what you can expect from what you have there.

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I think she is in a good spot for yield. I’m hoping for density

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Well you definitely want it closer to the light. If your plant was double the height you’d get a better yield, being that low won’t increase yield, just saying :+1:

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It just entered flowering… won’t it double in height in the next few weeks? My first grow got way too close to the light…

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It could yes but that’s why you want it near the second fan. You’re just at the first one. I mean it’s fine what you’re doing. You just asked for a suggestion and I offered one :grin: :+1:

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Yes. And I appreciate your suggestions. I do… I topped her and obviously have been tieing her down… if I had not she would be much taller right now. In retrospect I should have taken that into account


Yeah I know you didn’t mainline it or anything and genetics to play a huge part. I’m not sure if you’ve been watching @omacoder mainline grow but it hasn’t stretched like crazy or anything. Again yeah different training and strains. Maybe yours will shoot up more, at least this way you know for next time if you run it again, hopefully it does get over or at least near the second fan when all said and done