Sometimes technology gets to the conventions before stores. Ive seen some cool tech (outside cannabis) and hoping to see in soon.
Yea like what just curious on the type of things ur talking about
Hologram tech that responds to your laptop requests
Cool cooking tools
Too many lol. Most are toys imo but still crazy to see where tech has come. Even 10 years ago no one grew led. Now look.
Man ur absolutely right I know this thing has come a long way u have me very interested on going to the next one I can find locally
this is where i would expect to see a lot of info or samples of new LOS or super soils etc.
Usually only crop king seeds there, hence the poor quality product. Its like cookies handing them out.
Well I guess that would work in my favor then since I’m gonna move to LOS once I harvest this one
Awwww, Just Looking Back At My Cute Lil Collection Before And Wondering How It Grew Into This Beautiful BEAST!!
Most All Of The Vacuum Sealed Bags Are Double Sided And The Black Boxes Have 3 Packs😅
Sheesh I would like to see that gorilla
paw in the works
You Should Have Told Me, I Have Some Double Skunk (UK Cheese x skunk#1)
New guy here, still waiting on my Grobo to come. Does anyone remember Skunkweed from the late 70’s and 80’s and how it smelled and tasted as todays Skunk seems a lot different. Is there anything around old style with old Skunkweed small and taste? Now anything seems to be called Skunk and it is nothing like the original old school Skunk.
If anyone could resurrect 70s skunk they’d become a billionaire
I Know A Seed Bank That Has Skunk#1, Let Me Look Around A Bit And I’ll Update… I Have A Double Skunk From Bay Area Seed Co. Which Is Skunk#1 x UK Cheese… The Bean I Popped Ended Up Being Male… But Will Be Popping More Soon.
Thanks. I was only thinking about it when talking to a friend, it was one of the better things way back. I know potency of the newer stuff is a lot higher. but it was smell and taste we were thinking about. Sometimes that is better than the high THC for me, I had something super tasteful but not strong before and it was still nice.
I found some Skunk#1 and just ordered them. The reviews said if your grow right, it will be just like the old school Skunkweed I remember from way back. I guess we will see.
Skunk No. 1 Feminized Cannabis Seeds
FWIW, I still have my doubts, but $40 for a few, figured would try it.
From what i read, the closest to the 70s skunk thats out there right now is RoadKill Skunk (RKS). I believe DNA Genetics (reserva privada) breeds them.
Thanks we can try that next.
Now that i thought about it, the only people who have tried the 70s Skunk flavor are all now age 50+ . That means if we don’t unlock this flavor within the next 40 years, the flavor could be lost in time for good. Clock is ticking.