
Good looking! Wolf1 I will keep my eye on it! Appreciate!

Royal Queens doesn’t ship to the US. :joy:

No but you can get em through seedsman see and I live in Alaska:

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You definitely keep me learning !!! Thanks for the heads up, I’m on it!

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So I finally settled on a 1:1 Ratio. I ordered from Seedsman I haven’t gotten my order yet but buying from different states sure is taxing. I ordered $20 worth of seeds that cost me $30 to ship luckily seedsman gives you free seeds when you order anything from them so it was worth the extra money. I found a 50/50 sativa/ Indica blend with a large enough THC to feel at 21% and a hefty enough CBD to repair the brain and counteract the THC. This will be my first grow when my Grobo arrives! ( Kush ‘n’ Cookies CBD ) anyone out there tried it yet? I had to put in a ticket to develop a recipe, I hope they can come up with one before I get my box.


The orders I’ve had with seedsman took 16 days and 21 days. We live close, it appears.The free seeds I got were their feminized Jack Herer. A sativa that grows pretty tall

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I seriously doubt that Grobo will deliver before then, my Oder for growbox was recently put in on the 11th of June. My free seeds were two of the same I ordered kush ‘n’cookies and three mostly sativa strains of feminized cheese. Thanks so much for the info it does help!

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@James, Thanks so much for the list of CBD’s I have yet to research the company you recommended but I have heard of most of those strains. I have found that even with the same name the genetics are different depending on the supplier/brand. I’m going to have a look today and see if I can find my second seed for Grobo grow. Thanks again!

@James, https://allgrowers.com/t/ratios/2835/3?u=bplatinum9

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Saw this article today and thought of this thread…


Alright, here goes nothin,
I started more or less serious self medicating about 3 years back. before that, i just dipped my toe in the water with some recreational joint every now and then but all that just out of curiousity and because i read that cannabis can have a anti inflammatory effects which is good for autoimmune diseases like psoriasis which is usually called a skin disease but thats just a symptom. Out of luck and chance i stumbled upon the positive effects of the plant when consumed via edibles. I life in a country where you are free to consume the drug but are not allowed to actually grow it or even have more than 5 to 15 grams depending on jurisdiction you life in, so getting quality product or even a certain strain is rather impossible. You have to take whatever you can get your hands on and you basically never know what strain you have, sometimes they can tell you if its an indica or a sative but barely more.
Due self experimenting, trial n error I gained some ‘knowledge’
! this is not scientifically proven nor anything, just my observations concerning my own experience and body reaction !
At first I got good results on whatever weed i had, very commonly sold around here is whatever Haze. Haze most of the time is sativa with very low percentage of CBD and high amounts of THC (you all propably know that already). Thus this sort of weed should not have to many positive effects on my disease which is a constant inflammation of the body, in laymans terms, so my conclusion at first was that i need more cbd to get more effect of the drug. This hypothesis didnt prove right. After my first few days of ingesting my self cooked canna-oil the skin symptoms got extremly better. We are talking CBD % of around 0.5 - 5 % which is low to medium but far from medical amounts, yet the effects were undeniable.
As a follow up i ordered CBD concentrate with 10% CBD. there is no THC in it and interestingly enough, the positive effects are less strong which brought me to the conclusion that there is something more in that plant that helps pushing the positive medical effects. After some research i read about the entourage effect, that terpenes affect each other and depending on combination create different effects. After 3 years and ongoing medication i am a staunch defender of the ‘whole plant’ theory. There are still some blank spots in my medication process and the production of my oil that still leave room to luck and chance but the positive effects are always there and visible. I plan to change my oil producing methods to increase extraction efficiency. Coming to the main part of my post

TLDR1; I noticed that the ingested canna-oil has a different effect on me as when smoked or vaped. Usually the smoked weed hits me harder with the THC, the ingested weed high is way more mellow and in the background which could be explained with the lack of CBD intake via smoking. My point would be that even though its usually a small amount of CBD it still makes a huge difference on the experience. Which is also true medicinally, at least for me. Take this post with caution, I write this to give a different perspective! not straight up medicinal advice, I am no doctor!

What i am trying to say is: maybe give self-made edibles a shot, even though you dont necessarily have the exact ratio of THC to CBD in a strain it still could work for your son to get some relieve since the intricacies of THC, CBD, Terpene working together are not yet fully understood.
Maybe try strains that are known to not be heavy on the paranoia spectrum if overdosed a little, there are plenty of sites around that list possible effects of strains and have plenty of user reviews for strains that give you a bit of a picture about the strain.
Also, start slow and work your way up. I used a syringe to dose my oil. This way I can increase and decrease dosage depending on how it effected me. It takes time for the edibles to be ingested, some days it can take up to 6hrs for me to feel something. This makes it hard to plan your day so I usually medicate in the evening. Once a sweetspot is found I can apply as needed, always aware that it can kick in 30 minutes or 6 hours. for the most days it takes 1 1/2 to 2 hours for edibles to be ingested.
Also I noticed faster or slower ingestion depending on food and water intake. You will notice stronger effects when you have not eaten much or at all, like when you get prepared for surgery, they will tell you not to eat prior to the procedure.

I hope this isnt too much and I hope you can take something away from this. Hope you find something working for your son soon! best of luck.

TLDR2; try edibles, be open to experimentation, take is slow and see how it works


I enjoyed the read! I like the break down of the ratios because I was mostly familiar with the 1:1 ratios effects. This will be good to add to my :ledger: notes. Thank you!


I absolutely loved the feedback! I was researching edibles but not for my son because even though this is all for his treatment/brain disease he is an avid smoker, so he thinks its recreational but I was trying to make it count for something for his continued health. I on the other hand am not a user and don’t enjoy the feeling but, was looking into edibles to help with my extreme case of fibromyalgia, Tarsel tunnel of the feet and rheumatoid which is also a auto immune disease. I can barely walk/move and I’m only 50yrs old.
With that said heck yeah I’m listening and I thank you for your advice! I was checking the Levo II out, have you heard of it for making your butter/oils?
P.s I tried some CBD lollipops with 10% but never felt the effects.


Anyone out there have a source for ACDC (cbd) seeds? Wasn’t able to find them on Seedsman or gyo.

CBD 16% to 24%
CannaTonic x Cannabis Ruderalis
50/50 Indica/Satavia

ACDC traces its lineage to [CannaTonic]. From that strain, NorStar Genetics carefully selected one of its phenotypes. Then, they crossed it with a cannabis [Ruderalis] plant. In essence, what the breeder did was to create a better version of the original parent strain, one which has much lesser THC but higher CBD. It comes with as much as 24% CBD making it an effective treatment for seizures and epilepsy.

I see they’re listed for sale with “BonzaSeeds” - has anyone purchased from this company? Would you recommend them or have an alternative?

I have seen ACDC at weed seeds express before maybe check there. THC was only 3% with this genetic though
(canna tonic), CBD was still high at 19%

Hey bplatinum9,
my advice, if you wanna call it that, would be to talk to your son about an additional edible dosage every now and then just to be sure he gets his CBD dose. I am not entirely sure how much of it gets to the system when smoked. I do smoke recreational additionally. But awesome you could take something away from my post.
I havent heard of the Levo but it sure looks interesting. It has quite a hefty pricetag for me, so I gotta stick with traditional methods for now. I usually let the grinded herb simmer in a bit of foodgrade oil like sunflower oil or something like that. Its not the most efficient method but its quick and easy and it works.
I plan on switching to a different method which I use to make canna e-liquid for my vaporizer. Its more efficient and less product goes to waste and it tastes better but its also a little more effort. But yeah, you learn as you go i guess.


One good thing about it is that he loves candy so I’ve been researching gummy bears!

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I picked up pure ruderalis in Ukraine. it’s better to do it yourself when it comes to pure ruderalis. The hybrids you see on the net are ,sometimes , not what the seedbank say they are. It’s better to breed it yourself bro.

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