Power Out ... then grobo no lights [RESOLVED]

Hello I blew a fuse and had to reset breaker … I then noticed grobo light did not come back on … i am connected to it through the app. When I manually open door light comes back on … as if the growbo think its night. Please advise

My bad light back on took like 10 … whew


Typically if lights power off on own open a ticket as they could overheat but sounds like just a slower bootup in the software. Let us know if any other issues


Hey @blue045 - Glad to hear the unit is back up and the lights are on. If something like that should happen again in the future, you can usually force the lights to turn on using the following process:

Grobo App - Settings - Change Light Settings - Save -(No need to make any changes but hit Save)

That should do the trick!


When you do power cycle or in some cases loose power it takes the grobo a tad bit to connect back and get online. Light turn on soon after if you get nothing in a few hours then put that ticket In so they can check it out


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