Plants over 70 days

Hang tight until Monday, extra day or two nutes won’t hurt just run the flush a bit longer. All I can say for sure when I switched to flush it didn’t dispense bottles 3, 4, & 5. I had grobo guys check my EC to confirm that it was in fact low where it should be for flush.

Option #2 if your buds are ready and must start flush drain and fill and leave bottles 3, 4 & 5 and connect with Grobo guys on Monday.

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Hey @Ctaylor684, outta shear curiosity did the notification say to just fill? Or drain n fill? I’m starting to think when I go to flush that week when its time to do a “drain/fill” and you know you’re are going into flush, I think I might just “top off”. Does that make sense? That way the unit doesn’t register a drain, dispense nutes all that jazz. Frustrating though I get if its not suppose to in the first place. I know this doesn’t help now, but future grows and others who are having any issues with end stages.


Just disconnect the bottles


@Dew it was actually just the “check your water level” notification. Maybe I should have just filled it up and waited till a notification actually said to drain/fill, but my app said it had switched to flush so I thought I would drain/fill and start the final process not expecting it to dose the reservoir.

Looking back now @chris_barfield I did think in my head to take out bottles 3 4 and 5 just so this wouldn’t happen and I should have, but also thought since the app switched it wouldn’t dose. Oh well live and learn I’ll get with the experts at the Grobo team Monday see what they say!!


Yup, don’t quote me on that but I think that is the disconnect. Once he app and the notification come out then your good. :+1:

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Hope the (GroboTeam) can explain why the nutrients are dispersing in (Flush)…


Good Monday morning to everyone!

Great catch @Ctaylor684, you have officially found a bug. A recent update seems to be causing the display on our admin side to be misaligned with the users grow time.

Looking at your unit I see you have entered flush today. You are seeing that you’ve been in flush for 3 days! Our development team is digging into this today, but for now, you are good to drain/fill and your unit won’t dispense nutes. The flush has officially begun.

Sorry about the confusion, we will have a fix out asap.



@Stephen ok thanks, she goes to sleep around 11am but for sure I’m good to drain/fill before then and everything will go as intended (no nutes)?

Yup, I’ll be watching from this end.

@Stephen i did the drain and fill if you could check later today just to make sure it never dispensed that would be great. I wasn’t able to stick around to see if the pump went off.

Success! You were running at 1.14 EC before the drain/fill, you are now at 0.04 which is awesome!


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@Stephen Awesome thank you sir for the follow up you are the man!! Will the app change to the correct day or do I just keep in mind I’m 3 days off?

Now that you are into the flush, you are in control. Think of it like an air plane coming in to land. You are over the runway now, it’s up to you when you put the plane on the ground. You can get into trouble if you need much longer than 14 days in flush as the runway starts to run out eventually.



Day 100. Flush 9 of 10. I figure it will be ready in 3 to 4 days. In comparison to my outdoor plant you can see from the last photo.


Looks 100 times frostier, but the outdoor pic is a bit blurry. More snow?

Outdoor plant is doing well for ripping it up after 4 days in a grocery bag and snow. Its interesting to see the differences between indoor hydro vs outdoor sun. Even more so now with only 6 hours of light a day. The buds are about 20 to 30% smaller and more spaced out but still look good. The indoor one is now starting to get cloudy with about 10 to 15 % amber color. This is why I think I’m close for the grobo harvest. The outdoor plants have a month on the grobo grow so I think there about a week or two away.

@Stephen so during the flush stage I thought you had said to only top up correct? The reason I ask is I got a drain and fill notification today, is this something I should do or just top off the tank?

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I had this yesterday @Ctaylor684 and did a drain fill anyways as I figure I have 3 to 5 days left and fresh water wont hurt it.

On a side note @Chris I get this every week. Usually during my drain and fill. This week I got it about 14 hours after as you can see. When I got home I checked and no issues. It does not need aqua 14 hrs later.
Perhaps a glitch?


@Azuri @greenman @Stephen
Figure shes about done. ? Feedback?