Pineapple Express G13

I just read a bunch on trichomes and learned something. Pure sativa strains may never turn amber. I did not know this and also learned that some hybrids that are saliva heavy will also have trichomes that never turn amber.


You can flush if you want since you mentioned that you like a more energetic high (as do I!). Based on the pictures, I saw some that didn’t have any amber in them so I don’t think those bud sites have reached its full potential yet. On my first grow, the lower bud sites did not mature as fast as the bud on top, and those lower bud sites did not smoke as well compared to the more matured bud.

To add to what @FireGuy said, here’s a guide on when to harvest:


So it says that mostly cloudy and no amber is the most psychoactive high. Why are so many always judging the ripeness off of Amber then? Should I not be flushing right now then?


Many like the “couch lock” feeling which is only achieved with the amber.


I don’t like this amber couchlock feeling much for daytime smoke. This strain is great. You’re doing the right thing flushing in my opinion for the psychoactive high and you could extend flush if needed but you’ve probably got 2-3weeks max for your window of harvest @Tebori I think @Aang might agree with that but some people don’t wanna see all their flowers dying back for 2+ weeks.

That’s why it’s your call here. The flush means no nutes, in theory, cleaner smoke. But the science is still shaky on that. Some people pull the plant with nutes still in the reservoir. It’s really based on preference.

If you want, you can try one method now, and the other way next time with the same strain to test!


Ok. Great. I appreciate your feedback. It’s always hard for me to know when to harvest. It’s weird since it was mostly looking ready then the thick white hairs came out of nowhere and the buds got thicker. So if I stay in flush then the trichomes still ripen at their regular rate correct?


That’s correct.
And yeah there are usually 3 rounds of bud thickening but most people think 2 are good and then harvest. 3 is the sign of a mature plant and that’s gonna be some terpy psychoactive smoke. In my opinion, a good healthy flush for a few days and I think you’re ready to pull her outta there and start your next go!


ok great, thank you for your help, I greatly appreciate it. Should i do the full ten days of flush?

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@pyromancy had a similar issue with his first grow where new pistils were forming on the top bud sites and he just harvested. He decided to harvest based on how the older buds looked like in the lower bud sites.

By the way, during flush nute bottles #3-5 should be not dispensing but you can unplug them to be safe.


Pull her when the trichomes look their ripest during flush. It’s up to you based on the trichs. Good job working with the microscope btw!!


Thank you all, I appreciate all of your feedback and help for my noob ass!

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Been there done that, my friend! You’re well ahead of where I was. Check my last grow :sob::joy:

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Where is your last grow?

Here’s the link for it:
Orion’s Northern Lights


Was it not a good grow? It looks nice. What Humidifier is that and can I put the Grobo into a tent to better control humidity levels with a humidifier in said tent?

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lol it turned out to be a boy if you scroll thru it… thought that might be encouraging.

TaoTronics. Recommend all over the forum.
There’s even an Amazon link in that thread further up but here it is TaoTronics Humidifier Amazon Link

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Oh shit. How does that happen? Where did you get the seed? Have you heard of anyone putting the grobo into a tent?

Scroll through old forums and threads is my best advice. There’s so much info and questions already asked that you’d benefit from. Look up keywords to your questions on the forum for old threads here. It’ll help you out faster.


Random question. I have the grobo premium with the glass on the front. If the room light is on will Light get through and mess up the flowering? I guess what I’m asking is I have the grobo start in the same room and I’m wondering if the light from the start will mess up the flowering darkness.

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It will only mess it up if the light is directly in front of the Grobo. Otherwise you’ll be good. Maybe keep it on top of the Grobo