Northern Lights first grow (auto)

Now you really have me wishing I would have joined the light side from the start :joy:

I am sure she will be fine due to so much new and extra growth that is left!


Getting a successful grow in whether auto or photoperiod is a success. You’re still learning a long the way and will be better equipped next grow, there are no downsides!


Very true, I have my fingers crosses she will do ok which the way she is looking and growing I have a feeling she will do amazing in the coming weeks!


Thank you for all your help over the past few weeks, You have taught me a lot and I can not thank you enough, and also thank you for the wonderful customer support on getting my few problems taken care of for me! Can not wait to get the gen 2 box down the road after I have a few successful grows under my belt, I think what grobo is doing as a company is awesome and I cant be more excited to be a part of what ya’ll are doing and being a customer for the rest of my life.

Take care @Todd.grobo have a nice weekend sir.


Thank you @Hayden_Gregory
I was you 3 years ago! My heart is warm to see the full circle!


Hello fellow growers, I tried to push my coco pod down some but my roots are so big they will not allow me to push the coco pod down any and my plant is showing signs of heat stress, any tips please? Thank you!! @TheDogMan @Todd.grobo @Mpower11


Keep in mind don’t do what I do, :rofl: but I think you can easily cut a lot of those bigger leaves even if an auto. You just stop right before flower and then don’t trim anymore. I cut mine up way more than you did and mine looks nice. You don’t top it either usually.

My pod is even with the top and no problems that I can see. Next grow is going to be even with the top again I guess unless a problem. I can’t really comment about the temps as I do not check them. :grinning: If you think it is getting high, leave the door open a bit if the house is cooler might be the easiest thing to do. If growing to tall, then you need to start holding it down to keep away from the lights so it can still try to grow.

The auto seeds can be nice, but you need to research and choose one that does not grow to tall. Why I might skip the Skunk #1 that can grow tall and go straight to the Do Si Dos or Wedding Cheesecake as they are short thick bushes I hope.


I went into it thinking the northern lights was a small bushy plant but boy was I wrong lol, she is growing super tall, I have taken off around 30 leaves in the past few days and she still is that full might have to trim her way on up to allow for light and ventilation, thank you for the advice.

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How is your grow coming along?

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Your in flower now so the plant isn’t going to get much taller… Auto’s are not really my think but I feel the plant is to bushy to size up the buds…


That is supposed to be an easy one like I picked for my first grow. I think you will be OK, just next time I might trim up a little more before hitting flower. You really can’t see what all is going on and some of those large low ones are doing nothing.

A few weeks of Bud Candy and I bet you see a difference :grinning: but don’t do it as I think you said you might not.

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Now what do you mean the plant is to bushy to produce decent sized buds?

Thank you!

So here she is I trimmed her up a little more, what are yall’s thoughts? @Gunk


What day are you? I would lollipop it up so you only have about ten inches of canopy. I hear the light only penetrates so far. And your plant can focus on the top. I lollipoped early on. I trimmed today. Check it out my thread. It’s my first grow as well @Hayden_Gregory I’m using some techniques myself but won’t know until the end.

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Congratulations @Hayden_Gregory :tada: New user of the month.


I am on day 48, 3rd day of flower I will lollipop her some more down low remove all the little wispy leaves, and clean her up even more.

Thank you sir I got it a week or two or go, I found out last night I could add it beside my name, never knew you could add the things lol.

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I dont cut it so much as it is an auto and supposed to have a lot of popcorn type buds down lower I thought. I only took off the big leaves and maybe some of the tiny stuff the bottom 4-5 inches.


Thank you for the insight @TheDogMan I will have lots of popcorn buds from the way it looks at the moment, perfect knugs to throw in the grinder for one bowl worth, instead of breaking the big buds up to quick :grin:


I forget it’s an auto. :crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: